Rare Bear humor: "Due to the economy we've had to downsize..."
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You gotta love when the people who race hardcore in the Unlimited Class at Reno have a sense of humor. I figured this pic of the Rare Bear pedal car was a perfect way to get things started. My Reno 2010 experience is beginning a little late - I arrived late last night and then got started checking things out today: Friday. I didn't see the real Bear early today, but I'm sure she'll be growling soon.
Kevin Eldredge; his Relentless NXT; and a pile of broken engine parts
The big story so far has certainly been the massive engine failure and mayday experienced by Kevin Eldredge in his Relentless NXT racer. It was great to see him spending some time with the people showing the airplane and the broken pieces. It would've been easy to pack and run, but I think it says a lot that he's not only still here, but putting as much of an upbeat face on this situation as could ever be expected. Be sure to check out his Relentless Reno 2010 blog for more details.
Answering questions from interested people about what happened with the NXT
Kevin explained that an oil line fitting appears to have failed first, leading to oil loss. When all pressure was lost, the prop went flat which allowed the engine to wildly overspeed. Imagine a high output race engine running at or near full power and then remove almost all the load from it. The extremely high rpm caused the counterbalance on the back of the engine to fail, and in the process of all these things happening, the engine locked up suddenly breaking off the shaft extension and throwing the prop off the airplane. Fortunately, even tho 3 of the engine mount lugs broke off the engine, it stayed attached to the airframe. For this very kind of reason, race engines are set up with safety cables that hopefully will at least keep the engine on the airplane in an emergency so the airplane will remain balanced.
Kevin is still trying to figure out what his next step is... but with a team called 'Relentless', I gotta think he'll be back at it as soon as he can. We also talked about maybe doing a podcast about the incident before long. Hopefully we'll find a way to work that out as it would be a fascinating event to better understand. Most important, it's great to see Kevin was completely unhurt by this dramatic event.
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