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If you followed any aspect of the worldwide phenomena that was the Red Bull Stratos project in 2012, where Felix Baumgartner went supersonic in freefall after jumping from a balloon at 127,851 feet, then you should be familiar with USAF Colonel Joseph Kittinger. Not only did Felix break Joe's record for the highest jump ever (set August 16, 1960 from 102,800 feet) but Joe was a technical advisor and mentor to Felix for the Red Bull Stratos project.
(see AirPigz posts covering Red Bull Stratos)
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Joe Kittinger signed this book July 28, 2013 at Oshkosh
After Joe Kittinger made that incredible 1960 high altitude record jump, he wrote the book The Long, Lonely Leap. This book has been regarded as one of the most interesting to read, and most difficult to find in aviation circles for years. My dad acquired a copy early in the 1960's since he related to Joe from both the flying and the parachute jumping. When I sold several books from my dad's old collection last year to raise money to make it to Oshkosh 2013, I kept The Long, Lonely Leap because I remember it as an icon in the house when I was growing up. Then I found out Joe was to speak at Oshkosh 2013 about the Red Bull Stratos project and I realized it might make a great opportunity to have him sign the book.
Joe, the day after his 85th birthday, just after signing the book at Oshkosh 2013
Joe was one of the speakers at 'An Evening With Champions' at the Theater in the Woods at Oshkosh 2013 on Sunday July 28th, the day before the event officially opened. This was the day after his 85th birthday. Art Thompson (to Joe's left in the pic above) the Red Bull Stratos technical project director joined Joe on stage for his presentation about the successful effort to eclipse his 1960 high-altitude jump record. It was amazing to hear him speak to the audience, but it was when I was able to visit with him backstage that I was most impressed. His mind is remarkably sharp and vibrant, and he really is a nice man. I was also extremely impressed with Art Thompson. These two men have a lot to do with the success of the Stratos project. (I took the pic above with my phone after Joe has signed the book for me)
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Now, with Oshkosh 2014 fast approaching, I find myself scrambling to make the financial pieces fit once again. I figured that making the book available for purchase would relieve all the stress of surviving OSH once again. I also figure that if the book does indeed sell, I will take a portion of the money and make 100% sure that I get myself a flight review with an instructor and become a current pilot for the first time in about 18 years. So if you buy my copy of The Long, Lonely Leap, you'll be an important part of getting me back in the sky where I belong!