AirPigz Podcast #1: Airfoil Designer John Roncz

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We also cover how he came to work with Burt Rutan on many of his unique and highly efficient designs over the last 20+ years.
John’s extensive work has lead the way in using the power of computers to simulate wind-tunnel testing. This has reduced both the cost and time required to achieve superior aerodynamic design.
I hope you enjoy the first AirPigz podcast! Please understand that I had some technical difficulties with my mic that couldn’t be fixed in post production. It's a great interview tho, and you can expect lots of improvement when podcast #2 lands soon.
Martt from AirPigz on left, world famous airfoil designer John Roncz on right
Voyager: first aircraft to fly around the world, non-stop and without refueling
GlobalFlyer: first aircraft to fly solo around the world, non-stop without refueling
Reader Comments (6)
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Cool site, I hadn't noticed before in my searches!
Keep up the fantastic work!
at elementary deplorable for my unruly english. I dont detract often. The text vigorish me because I secure also som to do with it. I reflect on it can be considerate if you fit a spot more in the details. So it would be really nice to presume from your article again.
Wow, John Roncz has made tremendous contributions to aviation -- a great subject for an interview. Thanks for publishing this! One humble suggestion: next time let your subject speak a little more! The interviewer interrupted Mr. Roncz a little more often than I would have liked. Just a thought.
Rutan: Jobs; Roncz: Wozniak
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