Blow Up Some Fun With Caption Contest #17 - Ends Tuesday 5-5-09 At 9PM EDT

Sun-n-Fun kinda messed up the Caption Contest schedule, but we're back up and running now. And, I'll have a SNF recap post coming soon with pix and video : )
I thought it might be fun to see what ideas pop up from an inflatable flying machine... so here ya go! Remember, I'll pick 5 finalists from all the submissions, then we'll vote for the winner who'll fly away with $20 in AirPigz funny money.
The Rules:
1) Max of 3 submissions per person
2) Submissions go in 'comments'
3) Game ends Tuesday at 9pm EDT
4) Keep it clean!
Then, Anyone who wants to cast their vote will be able to after the poll goes up around an hour after the 9pm Tuesday submission deadline.
We'll vote for 24 hours, til 9pm EDT on Wednesday. Then the winner will be posted Thursday morning.
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