CoolPix - NASA: Stunning View Of Shuttle Discovery (STS-120)

With the launch attempts for the final flight of Space Shuttle Discovery pushed back for a few more weeks, I figured this would be a good time to start fetching up some great NASA photos from the past in the Shuttle program. This awesome picture is really unique in that all of the background is either bright blue ocean or stark white clouds.... not your normal darkness-of-space type of background. It's also a little more unusual to have such a nose view of the orbiter.
The pic is from STS-120 back in 2007. It was taken as the orbiter was approaching the International Space Station for docking. I found this to be a stunning view, and I'm guessing you do too. Be sure to click the pic to view it nice and big.
Currently, NASA has stated that the launch of STS-133, the final flight for Discovery, will take place no earlier than December 17. Unless the launch is significantly delayed, the 12 day mission will have the crew in space for Christmas, which would have to be extremely cool. What powerful thoughts must run thru the mind when looking at earth from space over Christmas time!
Get loads more interesting Shuttle info at, and if you're on twitter, be sure to follow Mission Specialist Nicole Stott (@astro_nicole) for updates during the mission. Godspeed Discovery!

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