Caption Contest #31: All Aboard! Ends Wednesday 2-24-10 At 9PM EST

It’s been quite a while since we’ve done a caption contest of an airplane with people all over it… and this one takes the cake for the mega-mostest people so far! It should be pretty easy to get some funny thoughts to fall out of your head on this one.
So here we go... you've got til Wednesday evening at 9pm EST to submit captions, then I’ll pick the best 5 and put ’em in a poll for everyone to vote on. The most popular caption will put the winner in line for $20 in AirPigz funny money.
The Rules:
1) Max of 3 submissions per person
2) Submissions go in the 'comments' area
3) Game ends Wednesday at 9pm EST
4) Keep it clean!
Anyone who wants to cast their vote will be able to after the poll goes up around an hour after the 9pm Wednesday submission deadline.
We'll vote for 24 hours, til 9pm EST on Thursday. The winner will be posted Friday morning 2-26-10. Have fun, and can ya scoot over a little to make more room : )
Reader Comments (19)
"Everyone, you need to flap harder! Really! Get your whole arm into it!"
"With further budget cuts, introductory flights for cadets will be consolidated as much as possible."
"Negative G-Force Structure Test: Complete."
Even with the bad economy, no one thought that the ad for "wingwalker wanted" would draw so many applicants.
With Acme Airplane Co.'s new "Posssum", commercial air travel will be changed forever.
The Academy students all took "winging it" literally when it came to that first pop quiz.
I'm getting warm. Would someone turn on the fan?
Hey Joe! You wanna reach in there and lower the flaps!!
Ryanair's "Standing Room Only" seating is beginning to look pretty comfy right about now.
so many volunteers for free flying lessons and not enough straws. Rock paper scissors anyone ?
Are you sure this is the way they did "The Flight of The Phoenix"?????
Boy this is greate Detroit to Toledo for $5.bucks....
Welcome to United's new "Open Seating" policy. For a $5 fee, you can sit anywhere you can find!
Oh my god it's a mouse!!!!!!
Paddy regretted promising his kids a ride in his plane.
Logging time, despite flying school fleet reductions.
After finally perfecting a helium powered airplane engine, the engineers realized they had one more problem to overcome.
Dang it Gary! I told you to stand behind Steve! Now the center of gravity is all messed up. Ok all the weight off the arm. Let's reset!
Submissions for the Caption Contest are now closed.
The poll for voting should be up yet sometime tonight, (Wednesday 2.24.10) - thanx!