AirPigz Podcast #7 - Follow Up Interview With Wasabi Air Racing

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Elliot Seguin in his #68 Cassutt racer
When Elliot Seguin did podcast #5 with me back in June of 2009, we covered some of what he was working on with his Cassutt race plane as he was preparing Wasabi Air Racing for Reno 2009.
In this interview, we talk in great detail about how his second year at Reno went, including having an airplane that was indeed faster than it had been in his first year out, and what it was like dealing with some ‘mayday’ issues with the airplane as well.
We also chat a bit about the races overall from the perspective of a fan of air racing which of course both of us are. I was so fortunate myself to be able to attend the races… my first time there since I was just 9 years old in 1970! I highly recommend that you make plans to be at the Reno Air Races in 2010.
We were also going to talk some about the interesting work he does at Scaled Composites, but we spent so much time on the racing that we’ll have to do the Scaled talk the next time we get together. Elliot’s a fun guy doing a lot of cool stuff… I hope you enjoy listening to his firsthand experience as a race pilot at Reno.
Wasabi Air Racing: Elliot Seguin and crew chief Jenn Whaley
Elliot and Jenn playin' with epoxy and making airplane parts
A tall Elliot in a short airplane on takeoff roll at Reno 2009

Reader Comments (6)
Great coverage. Martt, I work the Air Races for RARA. VIP Relations in the Pits. Wish I could have met you there last year. Perhaps this year we should make a plan to meet. I will be there again. Watching these little, fast planes is a rush for sure! Thanks for putting it out there for people.
I saw what he made in Viagra Canada forums video and i hope that he will made again the next time, i dreamed to do this when i was young but well you can expect to do all you want in life.
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