1:10 Scale (36’ Tall) Flying Saturn V Rocket - Must See Launch Video!

While millions of people get their life sucked right out of them sitting in front of the TV every night, people like Steve Eves spend their time doing really cool stuff. Like his off-the-scale amazing 1:10 scale model of the Saturn V rocket. It’s the world’s largest model rocket. A little over 36’ tall, weighing in at over 1,600 pounds, and it really flies! In fact, as the video shows, it flies fantastic. Altitude reached with the array of 9 rocket motors was just over 4,000’.
The flight took place at Higgs Farm in Price, Maryland on April 25, 2009. You can learn loads more about this inspiring accomplishment at RocketsMagazine.com and also at RocketryPlanet.com.
Bravo, bravo, bravo!

Reader Comments (3)
WOW - and I thought my boyhood days of building model Estes rockets was cool -
paxtwhitl e3d3fd1842 https://v2.horizonsocial.media/galevidi
paxtwhitl e3d3fd1842 https://v2.horizonsocial.media/galevidi