AirPigz Podcast #10: Red Bull Air Race & Airshow Pilot Mike Goulian

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Red Bull Air Race and Airshow pilot Michael Goulian
Interview with Michael Goulian - 36:54
Michael Goulian has years of experience flying airshows and is also in his 5th year as a Red Bull Air Race pilot... he really knows extreme flying! In this interview we talk about his first 2 races so far in the 2010 RBAR season as well as a lot of details of what it's like flying fast, low, and pulling up to 12 g's. It's pretty amazing stuff. He also shares some interesting details on the race coming up May 8 and 9 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
We also talk about his experience as an airshow pilot, including the upcoming performance on June 12th and 13th at the Indy Airshow. He flies the very cool green Edge 540 in the Red Bull Air Races and has a relatively new Extra 330, sponsored by ASB.TV that he flies in airshows around the country.
The coverage of the Red Bull Air Races via the live stream, which is available from both the RBAR and Mike Goulian websites, is some of the best sports coverage in the world. I highly recommend you join me watching this next race in Brazil on May 9. Team 99 has some big changes planned that should be starting with this race... it's gonna be a great one to watch live.
I'm also looking forward to watching Michael fly the ASB.TV Extra at the Indy Airshow in June... Michael Goulian is definitely where the action is!
Here's a list of relevant websites for you to check out:

Reader Comments (4)
I saw Michael last fall at the Wings Over Houston airshow, and he was incredible!
I am very anxious and exciting to see this performance by this pilot that is terrific, the best, one can tell by his flying of all the experiences he has had in piloting and is well known for his ability to do so many things with a plane and especially the "RED BULL". I WORK OUT AT THE MT COMFORT AIR SHOW EVERY YEAR AND THIS SHOW HAS SO MUCH TO SHOW AND EXCITE YOU. THIS PILOT "MIKE GOULIAN" IS A NO. 1 PILOT. WE ARE HONORED TO HAVE HIM WITH US THIS YEAR.
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