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Step Inside The Freaky Cool World Of The Avro Vulcan (Cockpit Panorama)

Click pic to go to the awesome 360 panorama of the Avro Vulcan cockpit

 The 1950's era Avro Vulcan strategic bomber from the U.K. is one of the most interesting aircraft ever built. The rapid move into the brave new world of the jet age in the years right after WWII brought some very courageous thinking... tailless aircraft like the Vulcan and the U.S. Vought F7U Cutlass fighter (see CoolPix) proved you don't need a horizontal tail to fly big or fast, tho the Vulcan ultimately wound up a far greater success than the Cutlass. In fact, the Vulcan served from 1956 until its retirement in 1984. I remember seeing them flown at large airshows here in America in the 70's. They were always a stunning sight in the air!

 Take a few minutes and check out the amazing 360 panoramic view of a Vulcan cockpit by clicking the pic above. It feels more like a spaceship to me when I scan around. And that stoke (combination 'stick and 'yoke') adds even more to the freaky cool spaceship feel. What a fantastic opportunity to poke around inside a Vulcan bomber cockpit!

 Note: you can zoom in and out in the panoramic as well as move left, right, up & down.

(click pic for hi-res)  The amazing Avro Vulcan bomber in flight  (photo: wiki)

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Reader Comments (3)

That's very cool.

November 4, 2011 | Unregistered Commenter@crablouis

elanarc e3d3fd1842

December 21, 2021 | Unregistered Commenterelanarc
December 21, 2021 | Unregistered Commenterjarnag

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