Caption Contest #50 - Ends Wednesday 2.9.11 At 9PM EST

Here's another chance to trade avgeek humor for a bacon sandwich at Oshkosh 2011 as the Caption Contest reaches the half-a-hundred plateau. This pic also keeps us on a bit of a Russian theme after the SuperJet 100 post from Friday. I'm planning a feature post on the very unusual Caspian Sea Monster pictured here before long, but first, let's have a little caption fun. I don't think it'll be too hard : )
As usual, you've got til Wednesday evening at 9pm EST to submit your clever/funny/cool captions. Then, I’ll pick the best 5 and put ’em in a poll for everyone to vote on for all day Thursday and Friday so we can find the winner.
The Rules:
1) Max of 3 submissions per person
2) Submissions go in the 'comments' area
3) Game ends Wednesday at 9pm EST
4) Keep it clean!
Then, anyone can cast their vote starting Thursday morning and running thru til 9pm EST Friday. The winner will be posted Saturday morning 2-12-11. And hey, don't forget to have fun!
Reader Comments (16)
New from Beechcraft: the V35000 Bonanza.
Winner: Guiness World Record for Longest Engine Start Procedure.
Do you think 8 kegs are enough? It is spring break.
Worlds largest flying sun deck for hire apply to the Soviet fleet air arm Moscow for terms and condtions
"Love many, t(h)rust few, learn to paddle your own canoe"
Victorinox- I fixed it for you : )
Wait... How many engines were on the blueprint?
In typical socialist fashion, Viktor and Boris do all the work, while their commrades lean on brooms or nap.
Ekranoplan - converting gas into smoke and noise more efficiently than anything in the West!
Spruski Gooski.
The Phyllis Diller of aircraft.
REDUNDANCY........ because you can never be too safe.
Poster child, for the Amalgamated Gas Hogs
What? A new fuel tax for GA??
Submissions for this Caption Contest are now closed.
The poll for voting should be up tomorrow morning (Thursday 2.10.11) - thanx!
You could let her take the curlers out before you start snapping pictures!