Video: First Production 787 Heads Home To Get To Work

After taking official delivery of the first production 787 on Monday, ANA crews took their new, beautiful workhorse and departed Everett Washington headed back home to Japan early today. The nearly 10 hour trip has them pointed toward Tokyo's Haneda Airport where the first Dreamliner scheduled routes will begin in late October.
Congratulations are in order for the massive number of people and the vast number of companies that have continued to press ahead in the midst of project chaos and a global meltdown to finally put the quantum-leap 787 into the hands of the first customer. And a big high-five to launch customer ANA for hanging in there during all that turbulence to be the first airline to have a Dreamliner in the fleet.
Long live the Dream.
ANA takes the first production 787 Dreamliner home to Japan (photo: Boeing)
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