Video: Fabulous Time-Lapse Of Shuttle Endeavour Thru The Streets Of LA - Mission 26!

The last three weeks have been a pretty amazing for awesome avgeekery... we had the first flight of the incredible Avspecs Mosquito (eight years in restoration and the only Mosquito in the world now flying)... and of course there was Felix Baumgartner and that record setting Red Bull Stratos spacedive that we're still talking about... and, the Space Shuttle Endeavour made her final journey from LAX to the California Science Center last weekend.
This fabulous time-lapsed video labeled 'Mission 26' (Endeavour had 25 missions in space, this is Mission 26) shows that 12 mile journey in HD and with great beauty. And I'm really glad to see that the people of the LA area came out in large and very supportive numbers to catch a look of Endeavour on her way to her resting place. It looks like a job very well done by everyone : )
Amazing screenshot of Endeavour on her way thru the streets of L.A. last weekend
Reader Comments (1)
That's some pretty amazing footage of the Endeavor. I really would have liked to see it, but I was locked into editing a series of air to air video pieces.
There are worse things one could be doing, I suppose.
- Andy