Caption Contest #77 - Ends Wednesday 10.24.12 At 9PM EDT

The last time I offered up a Caption Contest challenge was way back before Oshkosh, so I figure it's time for more harmless avgeekery that ends with bacon! I'm thinking this bizarre picture should stir up some very creative captions. but keep in mind that short captions that feature a fabulous twist in thinking are usually the most popular. And speaking of popular, the caption that gets the most votes will earn the associated captioner a bacon sandwich at OSH13!
So here's the deal... you've got til Wednesday evening at 9pm EDT to submit your clever/funny/cool captions. Then, I’ll pick the best 5 and put ’em in a poll for everyone to vote on for all day Thursday and Friday so we can find the winner.
The Rules:
1) Max of 3 submissions per person
2) Submissions go in the 'comments' area
3) Game ends Wednesday at 9pm EDT
4) Keep it clean!
Then, anyone can cast their vote starting Thursday morning and running thru til 9pm EDT Friday. The winner will be posted Saturday morning 10-27-12. So c'mon avgeeks, give it a tri : )
Reader Comments (28)
The tailwheel is just fine, now land... woah!
This must be the smoking section.
The rubber band looks fine from back here!
The History of Traffic Reporting: Chapter 1, The Early Years....
also not to hijack the topic but what was this photo really of?
The next time my wife asks if this dress makes me look fat, I'll say NO!
Economy class? Glad I had no bags.
I think we might need a different solution for using the "facilities" inflight.
The President's boot still attached, General Johns is hung out to dry for his choice of replacement for Air Force One.
Elevator Lock...Preflight, must remember!
There must be a easier way to stowaway on a Ford Tri motor than this
I told those guys to wait till I finished untying the tiedowns....
If I'm out here untying the plane for pre-flight, who is in the right seat?
George, the plane fueler, was still trying to undo the ground wire, when all of a sudden...
Prior to its reorganization in 1934, the Aeronautics Bureau in the Department of Commerce was noted for the rigorous training program it had established for apprentice airworthiness inspectors. Following this flight, the apprentice shown, a recent graduate of a prestigious agricultural and mechanical college, confessed to having second thoughts about his career choice.
I can see me house from here, Who's car is that in the driveway !
Edward's attempt to fix the loose elevator cable only made matters worse.
Note to self: Find better place to hang my hammock during lunch breaks.
Early trials of open seating showed some passenger resistance...
Back in the day, "open" seating was a different concept entirely.
Early carriers were determined to strip out costs - and seats - in order to provide the lowest fares.
National Airlines tries out their new in air pasenger transfer service.
The very early Yaw Damper prototype.
The earliest known airliner terror attempt didn't go as well as planned.
After this, George began re-thinking his career in line service.
Jim was moved to the Galley section for annoying the FA for more Peanuts.
"The Spirit of St. Louis.........Cardinals!!"
Early experiment regarding long term flights with no facilities! They called it "
Body Floss!!"
1) Oooh, I hope it doesn't rain
2) Welcome to the first passenger flight of "Literal Airline"
3) I'd do anything for an AIRPIGZ bacon samdwich at OSH13
(OK... ok... poor attempt to curry favor with the judge)
Submissions for this Caption Contest are now closed.
The poll for voting should be up tomorrow morning (Thursday 10.25.12) -thanx!
I hope nobody flushes !
If I have to climb back there and cut the glider loose one more time....