Video Triple Play: Twin Beech On Floats! #seaplanes #nostalgia

I just needed a radical break from the things I've been posting about the last month or so, and for some reason tonight I found myself immensely pleased with these Twin Beech on floats videos. Seaplanes are extra-cool to begin with, but a Twin Beech on floats is magical to me. It's about as close to the nostalgia of the old flying boats as you can get with what really amounts to a modern-era airplane (never mind that most all of the Beech 18's are at least 50 years old!)
So here are two takeoff sequences and one landing that all made me really happy... I hope they do something for you too : )

Reader Comments (3)
Having been to Oshkosh twice now I am just a huge fan of the Beech 18 such a great looking aircraft and those engines what a great soundtrack of floats just make it way cooler
Sweet videos!