Video: Wow, We Were Amazing! Apollo 11 Launch - July 16, 1969 (USA)

I bought a cool NASA meatball t-shirt at Target last weekend and I was wearing it yesterday evening... gotta say it made me feel special. Seriously. And while I know there are great things done everyday by modern NASA, most of that 'special' feeling came from looking back to our stellar past. Those thoughts are magnified even more since I may be stopping by Wapakoneta Ohio and the Armstrong Air & Space Museum this Saturday while taking my roller-coaster-buddy (niece Madison) to Cedar Point on the season ending weekend.
I've never been to this little museum located in Neil Armstrong's birth town but my dad (1929-2009) had stopped by a few times and said it was definitely worth checking it out. If I do get to stop by on Saturday I'll get some pix to report back.
Today's post is about experiencing the launch of the Apollo 11 Saturn V rocket, which of course Neil was the Commander of. The video above does a great job of capturing the massive power generated by the five Rocketdyne F-1 engines in the first stage... 7,648,000 pounds of thrust!
So take 4 minutes and experience what three Americans did back on July 16, 1969 sitting on top of the most powerful machine ever built by mankind... blasting off for a visit to the moon to put human footsteps there for the very first time.
We were amazing.
Video screenshot: 7,648,000 pounds of thrust on Apollo 11 launch on July 16,1969
Reader Comments (1)
I got kinda teary eyed watching that video. Really, I did. Oh, what happened to our beloved space program? It barely exists these days.