Caption Contest #84 - Ends Wed 10.9.13 At 9PM EDT (Win An Avgeek Book!)

We haven't had Caption Contest fun here since before Oshkosh so I figure it's time to give it another go. Everything is the same as before except for the prize for the winner... since I didn't have anyone claim their bacon sandwich prize at OSH this year I thought maybe I'd go back to the early prize idea of an avgeek book from my collection. The 'media rate' for mailing books is really low so it's easy for me to send out a little piece of aviation publishing history to the person with the sharpest wit. The actual book being sent will be announced after we find that best captioner.
So... you've got til Wednesday evening at 9pm EDT to submit your clever/funny/cool captions. Then, I’ll pick the best 5 and put ’em in a poll for everyone to vote on for all day Thursday and Friday so we can find the winner.
The Rules:
1) Max of 3 submissions per person
2) Submissions go in the 'comments' area
3) Game ends Wednesday at 9pm EDT
4) Keep it clean!
Then, anyone can cast their vote starting Thursday morning and running thru til 9pm EDT Friday. The winner will be posted Saturday morning 10-12-13. Pedal fast my avgeek friends and have some fun!
Reader Comments (30)
The advent of aerial refueling operations had some decidedly critical drawbacks.
Full Scale Control Line
"Wow Bill, bicycle-Helio-ropin' at an idea since the jet school bus."
Tommy told Bill he had "severe iower back pain"... Bill told Tommy " get on ur bike and tie this rope to ur lower back...I got a sure fired cure for lower back pain"...(Sidebar: PEDAL TOMMY PEDAL!!!).
"You call that a pick up line? No wonder you can't get a date on a Saturday night. "
Obama Air wallet snatch !
Words of Wisdom: Don't let Ur mouth write a check that's gonna have Ur ass take flight !!!
Never content running his older brothers' bike shop, Horace Wright made several failed attempts to fly a Schwinn.
Early Fly-by-wire systems weren't that well thought out.
Before satellite communications, the ranges of drones was severely limited.
My instructor just couldn't quite let me solo.......
His first day on the job as a line boy, Pete forgot that his boss had warned him not to lock his bicycle to an airplane.
Wow! This is the toughest roundup ever....
Marv's best ideas came out of his ass.
Early attempts at arresting gear technology left something to be desired.
I found the 30 feet of flight line but where do you keep the bucket of prop wash ?
What could possibly go wrong..
Pilot Bob attempts the worlds worst wedgie.
Demonstrating the finer points of a "Whip Stall".
Joe's first day as a banner-tow pilot goes horribly wrong.
Late for school, a young Indiana Jones gets an idea...
Although it appeared to be a good idea at first, Wilber found there were some drawbacks to using a bicycle-powered generator to recharge his electric airplane batteries.
Trying to keep up with "Air Mail", Air Telegraph never got off the ground.
The worst part about knitted airplanes, once they start to unravel....
LOL ! Martt, you GOTTA pick more than 5 finalists !!! ROFL !
Naa, you don't gotta anything. These are some of the best I've seen. ; )
Electric flight has nothing on my pedal power!
I guess its time I cut the chord to my baby!
Dad, is this payback for fogetting the dog was tied to the bumper?
Submissions for this Caption Contest are now CLOSED... the poll for voting for the best caption will be posted tomorrow morning (Thursday) - thanx!