Great Lakes (By Waco Classic) New Paint Scheme Design Contest! (Ends 2-17-13)

Click the pic to learn more about the Great Lakes paint scheme contest!
You don't have to know me very well to know I'm a big fan of paint scheme design contests, and while we wait to see who the winner is of the race P-51 Precious Metal paint contest (winner to be announced 2-9-13) we now have another one to squeeze the creative juices onto! Waco Classic Aircraft has been building fabulous brand new open cockpit biplanes for years now, but now they also building a new version of the wonderful Great Lakes biplane, and they're having a paint scheme design contest to stir up interest.
Click here to get the contest details, but most important, realize you only have until the end of the day (11:59pm EST) on February 17, 2013 to get your submissions in. (click here for the contest rules - please be sure to pay attention to all the contest details and rules!)
The winner gets the following ffrom Waco Classic Aircraft:
A demo ride in the very first Great Lakes biplane!*
Your name on the plane.
A personalized commemorative award.
Credit for the great scheme, of course! We'll name you on the blog, our Facebook page, the newsletter, etc.
A WACO goodie bag.
Special invitation as our VIP guest at the public debut launch event for the Great Lakes. **
* Demo to take place at a time and location convenient to both the prize winner and WACO Classic Aircraft Corp. and is dependant upon weather conditions, aircraft availability and pilot availability.
** Transportation, lodging and expenses not included.
Other conditions may apply. Prize has no cash equivalent.
All submissions become the property of WACO Classic Aircraft Corp.
See rules for more details
I'm cramped for time these days with too many things going on but you can count on me to try really hard to crank out an awesome paint scheme for the new Great Lakes... and you should too!
Click the pic to go to the new Great Lakes 2T-1A-2 page of Waco Classic Aircraft
Reader Comments (2)
Gonna be hard to beat the "Gulfhawk" paint scheme.
I agree.
I enjoy dabbling in aircraft paint schemes on occasion, but with the Great Lakes you can't really beat the old school, simple biplane schemes — the "Gulfhawk" being one of the best.
It might be worthwhile to look through some old air racing pics to see if there is anything that would serve as a jumping off point. But my thought is "why mess with perfection?"
BTW, I've wanted one of those babies since the seventies. I can even roll with the flat engine.