It's Time For YOU To Catch Bugatti (100P) Fever! Support The Kickstarter Campaign Today

You might remember my post from August 2010 titled Coming Down With A Bad Case Of Bugatti (100P) Fever - With Video where I expressed my adoration for what the Bugatti 100P represented back in 1930's, and for the massive effort to build a flying replica of the airplane. As I mentioned in that post, a mega-sized project like this is hard to hit specific timeline goals... and while the airplane still isn't quite finished, it's getting very close! But as is usually the case, money stands in the way of reaching the lofty goal of putting the incredible design of the Bugatti 100P in the air for the first time in history. You may already know, but the original aircraft, on display at the EAA Museum, never actually flew.
Scotty Wilson has put up a campaign to raise the funds to complete this beautiful airplane and get it in the air. Watch the kiskstarter video above to learn more about the airplane and the campaign. This is YOUR chance to turn some Bugatti fever into the kind of support that will really make a difference! With 18 days to go, they are just under half way to their $50,000 goal, so if you can, make a pledge today to get the 100P in the air.
You can be sure that I'm gonna be making a pledge to be part of this fascinating and historic aviation project! #bugattifever
The Bugatti 100P replica is getting close to completion but your support is needed!
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