Wounded Tiger Book: Kickstart This Amazing (And True) WWII Story Of Redemption

Mitsuo Fuchida: leader of the air attack on Pearl Harbor... to Christian evengalist in the U.S.
check out the Wounded Tiger book kickstarter campaign now (ends July 1st)
If the story about the Japanese miltary officer who coordinated and then led the air attack on Pearl Harbor, who after the war found forgiveness and redemption in Jesus (and even preached the good news throughout the United states) wasn't a true story, it would be very hard to believe. But true it is.
Mitsuo Fuchida's journey from a young and highly determined Imperial Japanese Navy pilot, on through the attack on Pearl Harbor, the Battle of Midway, being at Hiroshima the day before and the day after the atomic bomb drop, and then on to redemption is a truly fascinating story... and it's one you can experience in great historically accurate detail in a book by my friend Martin Bennett. Wounded Tiger is extremely well written and tremendously engaging. And the connection to Doolittle Raider bombardier Jacob De Shazer, who spent three years as a POW, is chronicled in detail as well in the book.
Doolittle Raider bombardier Jacob De Shazer who became a Christian while a POW
I read the manuscript two years ago and was highly impressed. This book succeeds on so many different levels, I can't imagine anyone not enjoying it. Forgiveness is one of our most powerful emotions, and when experienced on the level portrayed in Wounded Tiger, it's truly epic.
Martin's efforts to get the book published (and a full-length feature film made) have proven a difficult and challenging road... however, Martin's kickstarter campaign for the book has it about 80% funded with just six days left to go in the campaign. If you're familiar with kickstarter, you know it's all or nothing, so now is the the time to get behind this project and give this incredible (and true) WWII story the wings it deserves.
Please go now to the Wounded Tiger kickstarter page, watch Martin's video about the project, and then note that for $10 you can get an ebook version, and for $25 you can get a signed paperback version of the book. Or, $35 gets you a signed hardcover of the book... all have an estimated delivery date of November 2013. There are also several additional levels of contribution and a variety of rewards of interest.
Wounded Tiger is a story everyone needs to be familiar with, I hope you'll take the time to check it out.
Click the pic to check out the kickstarter campaign and video for the Wounded Tiger book

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