Just Like This B-52 With No Fin And Rudder, I'm Gonna Make It!

Check out my June 2011 post on this amazing B-52 story! (with video)
It's true, I'm feeling a lot like this B-52 from 1964... I've got some problems (kinda big ones) but I'm gonna make it! I won't go into details about my issues at the moment, but as they have for the last 4 years, they center around money. I'm about 6 months away from surviving the financial collapse of 2008 (it's been a long, slow, and painful recovery) and as they say, it's often darkest just before the dawn. It's pretty dark right now.
So as I set my sights on getting thru the next few weeks (and Oshkosh) with not enough of everything, I'd like to ask for your patience as I try to keep up with AirPigz posting in general as well as putting up another post with some really nice aviation books to sell. If you're in a position to buy a book to help me thru this tough time, please do. It would be very much appreciated. The books are all in great shape and they're from the collection my dad had. They are special to me, but the current need is great, so they must go.
And of course a big thank you goes out to those who bought about 10 books a couple weeks back! There's still some books in that post available, plus, my rather rare, like-new copy of the book Sled Driver (SR-71) is still available for someone looking for a great collector piece. A new post with more books will be up in a day or so.
I'm confident that I'll survive this current income crisis, just like that B-52 survived... seriously, it really did! Check out the amazing story and video of how that B-52 made it back home with that much of the vertical tail missing. I find the story to be very encouraging : )

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