Video: Wasabi Reveals Hot New Formula One Air Racer! (Wasabi Siren)

Elliot Seguin works for Scaled Composites in Mojave California, but he also runs Wasabi Air Racing with his crew chief Jenn Whaley. They've been busy for the last couple years designing and building an all new Formula One race aircraft for Reno... it's called the Wasabi Special, but its also known as the 'Siren'. You might already know that for a while Elliot was part of Team Nemesis (Jon and Patricia Sharp, last raced in 2009) which is very well know for having been the first team to break 400mph with a Sport Class racer (actually Super Sport at the time) - and Elliot's exposure to the amazing design of the very successful Nemesis NXT has trickled down somewhat into the much smaller Continental O-200 powered Formula One Class Siren. Seems like good thinkin' to me!
I don't really have a lot of details on the airplane, but the video above gives you a variety of looks at the Siren, along with a fun and kinda artsy presentation of some of the flight testing that's been done in relative secret over the last year. Given that Elliot has a few years of Reno race experience in his antique old-school Cassutt racer, getting out on the race course in a possible contender should be both a thrill and a great learning experience. With this being the 50th anniversary of the Reno Air Races, I don't think he could have picked a better time to introduce an all-new racer!
Reno Air Races: September 11-15, 2013
Go Green... Go Wasabi!
Video screenshot: all-new Formula One racer from Wasabi Air Racing: The Wasabi Siren
Video screenshot: The Wasabi Siren showing its Nemesis NXT heritage planform
Reader Comments (14)
I am aeromodeller. Wasabi can be excellent type for rubber powered scale. But I can not to find any 3-view of it. Can you help me ?
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