AirPigz MeetUp At The Naval Aviation Museum - Blue Angels A-4 Formation (CoolPix)

(click pic for hi-res) Blue Angels A-4's hanging in the Naval Aviation Museum atrium
The AirPigz avgeek museum MeetUp for 2014 is under way in warm and sunny Pensacola Florida even tho there isn't all that much warmth or sun down here right now. Of course compared to the bitter cold and snow back home in Indiana, it's pretty awesome here. We started the meetup yesterday with five avgeeks (from all over the Midwest) checking out the collection of Navy aircraft ranging from the mammoth Curtiss NC-4 seaplane from 1919 all the way up to a full scale functional mockup of the X-47B.
We're all keeping very busy with viewing the excellent aircraft displays and talking about airplanes in general... we're having a great time!
The picture above is from Friday shortly after arriving at the museum and shows the Blue Angels A-4 Skyhawks that are hanging in the museum atrium. There's an elevated walkway that runs all the way the formation that gives you the opportunity to get such great views of this formation. The beauty and majesty of the Blue Angels sets the tone for a great time of soaking up Naval aviation history at the Naval Aviation Museum!
more pix and info to come
Reader Comments (2)
That' could work as a wise clock. I would like to read more about past development.
Blue angels A-4 looks amazing. Very informative post! There is a lot of information here, thanks for sharing it...