I Feel A Lot Like This Battle-Damaged Avenger

I'm tired, worn out, and feeling beat up here lately... my day-job of floor installing work as a one-man operation has me extremely busy (and physically fatigued) - and has so often been the case in almost 6 years of AirPigz sideline work, the web traffic here isn't what I think it should be. It's not bad traffic by any means, just not where I always thought it should be, and that keeps me continually frustrated. All this explains the low posting frequency here lately. Hang in there with me as I try to get back to home base for some repairs and R & R.
I'll add that I've starting experimenting with the FLY Energy Bar project once again in hopes of solving some small but nagging issues with the recipe. Two quick tests have already made some great progress! I need something to succeed in a big way, hopefully I'm getting close on this project.
I also have a backlog of impressive posts still to get up, so hopefully I'll have that batch of avgeekery coming your way before long... stay tuned.
Reader Comments (1)
Nike Tn Requin https://www.tkktn.com/