Poll: Is The Northrop T-38 Talon One Of The Most Beautiful Airplanes Ever Built?

Can't get much better... T-38 in Thunderbirds paint! (photo: unknown)
There are some creations of mankind that are so far ahead of their time, and so perfect in their design that it's hard to believe they are the work of mere mortals. The Northrop T-38, first flown in 1959, is one of them. 1959? Really? It still looks so awesome that you could totally believe is was something fresh for 2015 from the sharpest designers in the world.
The T-38 has been a valuable asset to NASA... and a fun toy too! (photo: NASA)
So you can tell where I stand on the T-38, it's about as close to avgeek perfect as we get. But I wondered if you agree with me, so I put this poll together to see what your thoughts are. Often I find that about 70% of you agree with my line of thinking, but I'm pretty sure the numbers will be much higher this time around : )
Lean, mean, supersonic machine... the Northrop T-38 Talon (photo: Air Force)
So, what do YOU think? Is the Northrop T-38 Talon one of the most beautiful airplanes ever built?
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Reader Comments (2)
Yes! I have been totally impressed with that airplane since the mid-sixties. (Disclaimer: I worked on them when I was in the Air Force.) The early ones cost less than $1 million. Can climb 10,000 ft/min. Not impressed? That's on one engine.
Intruder guy here...........................
Medium Attack. Everything else is just support.