2016: The Year Of The Cubs!

Me flying off Winona Lake during seaplane training in the Warsaw Flying Club J-3 Cub
(click any pic to enlarge)
The Chicago Cubs just won the World Series, and that is a pretty big deal, but 2016 has been the 'Year of the Cubs' for me in another way that's just as big... since April I have been maintaining and flying a J-3 Cub that's part of the Warsaw Flying Club fleet, AND I'm currently doing a restoration (as full time work) on a 1959 PA-18A Super Cub for one of my brothers who lives in California. For a guy with an 18 year dry spell of being hands-on with aviation, this has been a huge year!
And earlier this week, on Monday October 31st, I got my seaplane rating in the Warsaw Flying Club's J-3 Cub - Holy Cow!
August 15, 2016, the day the Super Cub arrived from Arizona to the hangar in Indiana
The Warsaw Flying Club's A75 powered 1946 J-3 Cub N88282 back in April 2016

Reader Comments (5)
Welcome back Martt!
Congratulations on the seaplane rating, Martt. It's the most fun you can have in an aircraft.
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