OSHKOSH 09 Pic Stream #3 - Tuesday, July 28

The campsite in the very early morning with a clear blue sky. Turned out the weather all day Tuesday was as good as it gets with lots of sun, some beautiful clouds and wonderful temps.
It's been so encouraging to see huge attendance this year, with airplanes and people everywhere! Tuesday seemed like a weekend with so many people. Here's a look at some of the homebuilts on the flightline.
As a guy with tons of time riding in the back seat of a Breezy as a kid, and then a couple hundred hours in the front seat of one back in the 80's, I'm always glad to see some beautiful Breezy's at Oshkosh : )
It's no surprise that Virgin Galactic's WhiteKnightTwo has been a popular attraction on AeroShell Square.
The much-bigger-than-you-thought size of WKT is easy to see here.
A unique view of WKT as we look up into the Heavens!
The rather unusually designed spacecraft-launch-vehicle put on a really nice flight demo in the afternoon. Burt Rutan gave some very entertaining commentary from the speakers stand as well. Good stuff!
Soon after the WKT demo, the super jumbo Airbus A380 arrived! A spirited flight demo followed and the airplane looked very graceful in the beutiful Wisconsin sky.
Now that's a lotta wing!
The A380 was pushed into place on AeroShell Square and prepped for her stay at Oshkosh.