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Entries in A380 (13)


OSHKOSH 09 Pic Stream #3 - Tuesday, July 28

The campsite in the very early morning with a clear blue sky.  Turned out the weather all day Tuesday was as good as it gets with lots of sun, some beautiful clouds and wonderful temps.


It's been so encouraging to see huge attendance this year, with airplanes and people everywhere!  Tuesday seemed like a weekend with so many people. Here's a look at some of the homebuilts on the flightline.


As a guy with tons of time riding in the back seat of a Breezy as a kid, and then a couple hundred hours in the front seat of one back in the 80's, I'm always glad to see some beautiful Breezy's at Oshkosh : )


It's no surprise that Virgin Galactic's WhiteKnightTwo has been a popular attraction on AeroShell Square.


The much-bigger-than-you-thought size of WKT is easy to see here.


A unique view of WKT as we look up into the Heavens!


The rather unusually designed spacecraft-launch-vehicle put on a really nice flight demo in the afternoon.  Burt Rutan gave some very entertaining commentary from the speakers stand as well.  Good stuff!


Soon after the WKT demo, the super jumbo Airbus A380 arrived!  A spirited flight demo followed and the airplane looked very graceful in the beutiful Wisconsin sky.


Now that's a lotta wing!



The A380 was pushed into place on AeroShell Square and prepped for her stay at Oshkosh.



Aluminum Overcast Forecast For Oshkosh 2009 - Airbus A380!

Airbus A380 Photo: Airbus

 It's not just a big deal, it's about 1,200,000 lbs gross weight of a BIG DEAL that the Airbus A380 will be at Oshkosh 2009!  This is definitely the kind of overcast we like to see in an Oshkosh forecast!  

 The airplane is scheduled to arrive on Tuesday, July 28 and provide an air demo.  Then it'll be on display in AeroShell square where we can get up close and personal.  Departure is planned for Friday, July 31st. 

 Take a minute to check out this awesome 360 view of the A380 flight deck below.  You can mouse around the big honkin' front office of the world's largest airliner!

 There's no doubt that seeing the A380 fly at Oshkosh, and having it on display where we can walk right up to it is gonna be an extremely special treat.  Hmmm, now if we could just get the 787 there too : )

Click the pic for an unbelievable 360 view of the A380 flightdeck!



A380 Bathroom: Loo With A View

Photo: Ammar Abd Rabbo

  It’s a Monday and it’s the first full day of Winter, so I figure starting the day off looking at a toilet kinda makes sense.  But wait, that’s not just any toilet, nope, that’s the luxo-loo from an Emirates Airbus A380 and it comes with a nifty little window that’s certain to brighten up your day.

 I guess it is pretty nice to finally have a bathroom window that you’ll never have to worry about who might be able to see in!

 If you’ve had a chance to ride an A380, any airline, leave a comment to give a little feedback on what you thought... is it as nice as it seems?

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