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Entries in A380 (13)


Airliners In Slow Motion... Artsy Video From Simon Lowe (Must See)

 I've been in a bit of a posting slump here over the Christmas season... I seem to be a bit under-motivated here lately (might be old age creeping up on me)

 The video above is helping to perk me up tho! It's another great airliner video from Simon Lowe's youtube channel and it's got just the right amount of art, music, and airplanes. This is definitely a good one for 1080p HD and full screen... plus, detail freaks like me should find themselves very satisfied with all there is to see.

 It also reminds me of the days when I was about 8 years old in the late 1960's when my dad (who was flying as a 727 captain for United at the time) would take me out to the approach end of runway 24 at LAX for us to watch the airplanes land up close. We'd go at night and on his motorcycle because we could get a lot closer to the end of the runway that way than were really supposed to. There was that wonderfully loud old-tech turbine noise... the huge rush of air being pushed down by the wing right after the airplane went by... and then the smell of burning rubber once the wind would blow the smoke back our way. We'd even hear some whipping wingtip vortices once in a while too.

 Wow, I loved those days.

 Video screenshot of an Emirates Airlines Airbus A380 going over in slooow motion


Poll: Airliners, Side Stick Controller Or Center Control Column?

Center control column in the Boeing 787 cockpit

 This can be a very heated debate, but I don't ask the question to get people yelling, I'm just curious to see what kind of response I'll get here. I've had a strong opinion on this for years but I'm only now beginning to do some research on the philosophies of design & function that drive the decision. There's an even bigger question to be addressed in the debate; whether the two control input devices should always move in unison (I absolutely believe they should), but for now I thought I'd just see if there's a strong leaning one way or the other on what and where the controller is.

 I admit that I'm somewhat out of the experience loop here. I don't have any experience flying airliners (unless you count my insanely cool opportunity to make 2 takeoffs and landings in a full motion 747 simulator when I was 10 years old - thanx dad!) - and I'm not directly connected to the aerospace industry where these kinds of discussions take place. But still, I have a real passion for what really works the best overall in the design and function process, and I have some strong feelings that one of these two options is actually superior to the other when installed in the cockpit of an airliner. This Popular Mechanics story on the cockpit communication and actions in the Air France 447 tragedy point to some of what makes me feel this way.


Side stick controllers in the Airbus A380 cockpit

 I'd really like to open up some form of effective discussion on the issue but I haven't figured out yet how we could do that... especially since the overriding goal is to be 'effective' rather than just have passionate shouting matches. In an effort to get the ball rolling, here's a simple poll to see how some of you are thinking. And please feel free to leave some comments on this subject - I love to get a discussion of some sort moving forward. Lastly, while I have a great fondness for the concept of the side stick controller (especially in certain situations), I ultimately fall on the side of a center control column for airliners.


(trying some new poll software - I hope it works well) 


Video: Spend Some High Quality Time With The Airbus A380 

 A couple months ago I posted this: Mesmerizing HD Video Of The 787 Dreamliner In Flight (N787EX) - and in the interest of some equal time to the competition I'm posting this very impressive HD A380 video. There's no denying that the A380 is an amazing technological achievement... and seeing it tossed about the sky (when it's very light and in the hands of a highly experienced pilot) is pretty stunning.

 I love seeing control surfaces move and the airplane's response in videos like this, and you're not gonna beat that rudder deflection that takes place at :32 seconds - wow! There's also a few great vapor views of the airflow coming off the nacelle strakes. My A380 CoolPix from Oshkosh 2009 also showed these cool trails.

 So, it's high-fives to both Airbus and Boeing for taking the commercial airliner to amazing new levels of technology, efficiency and comfort.



Video: Extremely Smooth A380 Takeoff!

 No, I don't mean the A380 is smooth on takeoff, it's the quality of the pan by youtuber 1970sPlaneSpotter - this is amazing! I wish I had these kind of skills... and equipment.

 Honestly, the A380 isn't my favorite airliner (not even close) but due to its size, it's fascinating to see it in takeoff or landing phase, especially when you're pulled in close. And the bottom line is that this oversized and kinda funny looking airliner laughs at the chains of gravity and she flies... and because of that, you gotta love it! #LoveToFly



Video: Emirates A380 - The Fast Build Kit (Cool Commercial)

 Fun video about the making of a creative commercial for Emirates Airlines and their A380 service. The thumbnail doesn't tell you what the video is really about... I say watch it, I think you'll like it.



Videos: Oshkosh Dreamin' As We Head Toward Winter 

 The high temp in northern Indiana today was right around the freezing mark, and with the clear knowledge that winter is on the way I found myself aching for some pure summer feelings... and that of course left me thinking about Oshkosh! It's pretty hard to beat a video (or two) from youtuber slickhutto for getting that OSH feeling stirred up, so here ya go! The 2009 Oshkosh video from Slick is above - I figured if you've already seen it, it's probably been a while, so it should feel pretty fresh...


...and this video is the one from 2010. Slick does a great job of capturing the real feel of Oshkosh, while also doing a fab job of editing. If you're a purist and would rather watch some Oshkosh without it bering a music video, check out Slick's youtube page for the more recent uploads that run 10 minutes and feature airplanes with all their natural (beautiful) sounds.

 I hope watching these videos inspires you to push ahead with whatever aviation project you're into. Whether you're building an airplane, learning to fly, upgrading your ratings, or maybe needing to fall in love with flying again (or just soaking up all the aviation knowledge you can find), watching moments from Oshkosh is one of the best ways to be motivated. I know it sure helps keep me going - thanx Slick : )



OSH10 Will Be The Best Oshkosh Ever! (Bonus CoolPix-Vintage) 

(click pic for hi-res)    CoolPix - Vintage: the awesome Pitcairn Autogiro at OSH09

 It’s not a gimmick, as I said last year, the best Oshkosh ever is the one you’re at RIGHT NOW! With opening day just a week away, it won’t be long before the magical experience of gathering together with thousands of like-minded avgeeks, and airplanes of every imaginable kind, will turn Wittman Field into literally the best place on Earth.

 There’s no other place I know of where so many people gather in a creative, technical, peaceful, and respectful manner, and then do so for a whole week. No where. I’m blessed to be able to go all week again this year, which will also be my 34th Oshkosh experience. I joined the EAA in 1970, the same year as the first Oshkosh (the annual EAA convention was in Rockford, IL prior to moving to OSH), and even tho I was only 9 years old, I was at Oshkosh 1970 - thanks dad!


Airbus A380 stirring up lots of dust and attracting every eye at OSH09

 I get a chuckle out of the people that go for a day or two and say they saw it all. I’ll be there all week long, I’ll cover the grounds all day long, I’ll keep moving thru the evening, and then do my best to be back out there by 7:30 in the morning… and I’ll still only scratch the surface of what this event has to offer. If it’s just some airplanes sitting on a Wisconsin airport in the summer to you, then I guess a day or two will cover it. But Oshkosh truly represents the spirit of aviation, and no aviation event can inspire a person, in a thousand different aviation ways, like Oshkosh can.


A beautiful example of the highly unusual homebuilt Dyke Delta at OSH09

 If you’ve never been to the event, and you aren’t coming this year, I encourage you to keep watch of during the week from Monday July 26th thru Sunday August 1st. I’m planning to post an update every night. Hopefully these posts will help to display the amazing diversity of aircraft and people that attend, and, what you’re missing. My biggest hope is that it will inspire you to make attending next year a priority. And of course, if you know how great Oshkosh is, but you aren't able to attend this year, please enjoy these daily posts... I hope they'll help you to feel like you're there on some level : )


The remotely piloted Predator B UAV at OSH09

 And if you’re are headed to OSH10, I highly recommend you dig deep and really take the event in (use the awesome, unofficial ’events scheduler’ at to help with that), and remember, because you’re livin’ it, OSH10 Will Be the Best Oshkosh Ever!



CoolPix - Airliners: A380 Preparing To Depart Oshkosh 2009

(click pic for hi-res)

 Yeah, I know it’s the second CoolPix entry for the A380 at Oshkosh 2009, but c’mon, having the mega-super-big-bus sitting on the ramp all week making lots of shade should definitely earn it several CoolPix awards.  Plus, I took this pic while the airplane was waiting to do its departure flight demo, so this is the A380 getting ready to say goodbye to Oshkosh 2009.  It’s a special moment.

 As always, remember to click the pic for the hi-res version.  The whole point of the  CoolPix experience is to be pulled into the image, to experience it in a way that a 530px wide image just can’t do.

 I like this pic for several reasons.

 The airplane is facing east on the taxiway that leads from AeroShell Square (where it sat all week) out to the runway… it didn’t spend very much time sitting here, so it’s not all that common of a picture.

 I like it cuz it’s such a cool contrast of the world’s largest airliner floating on a sea of what makes Oshkosh so great: people and airplanes.

 You should also notice that while that big honkin’ airplane is not far from all these people, they are definitely looking at something else.  The something else is the WhiteKnightTwo just about to start takeoff roll for its flight demo.  WK2 was such an awesome machine to have up there in 2009, and here we have almost every eye glued to it.

 Lastly, it’s just neat to be able to look around at people who are enjoying Oshkosh.  You can even see the captain sitting in the front office of the A380.  I don’t know about you, but I’m thinking it’s a pretty cool CoolPix : )



CoolPix - Airliners: Airbus A380 Looking Really Big At Oshkosh 2009

(click pic for hi-res)

 Seeing the Airbus A380 at Oshkosh 2009 was fantastic no matter how you look at it.  To see the world's largest airliner put on a flight demo right in front of you was amazing!  And of course, a light airplane (if you can ever call an A380 light!) showing off in a sunny sky made it all the better.

 This pic I took does a really good job of highlighting the rubber-rich landing gear, which just happens to be at the very start of the retraction cycle - you'll notice the large nose and main gear doors are opening.  You also get a good view of both leading and trailing edge flaps here.  That wing is just unbelievably big, especially at the root.

 It's also interesting to see some moisture trails coming off the inboard nacelle strakes on the two right engines due to the high angle of attack.  I really enjoy looking at the details in a pic like this : ) 

 Having the A380 on display thru the week was a huge treat (no pun intended), and I'm so glad I had the chance to see her up close.  I'm really hoping we'll see a fanplastic 787 on display this year, but so far I haven't heard a word about the possibility.



OSHKOSH Pic Stream #4 - Wednesday , July 29 

This "prehistoric" flapping wing machine and wing-walker have been coming to Oshkosh for 25 years now.  It never gets old seeing it pop and sputter down the flightline!  You can also see skywriting for Scheyden eyewear drifting away in the background sky.


There was a really cool hand-propping demo going on each day in front of the Vintage Hangar.  It was a great op for people unfamiliar to get some good tips and cautions.


The que line for getting inside the the A380 was kinda long and slow moving.  Everyone I talked to tho that went thru was glad that they did.


Two main gear trucks with 6 tires each and two with 4 tires each... plus 2 at the nose makes for 22 tires in all.  That's only 4 more than the 747.


Another view of the Taylor Speedstar.  It's just a concept at the moment, but there was a lot of interest and hope that this will lead to an STC for this single turbine Aerostar modification.


Oshkosh doesn't get any better than this!


Matt Chapman in the CAP 580 putting on a great show for Embry-Riddle.  photo: Tim Stiffler


David Martin in the Breitling Extra 330 throwing smoke into the perfect blue sky.  photo: Tim Stiffler


The Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum had their fabulous Lancaster bomber on display.


For a $5 donation (to help pay for the fuel) you could climb up the ladder and all the way thru the Lanc.  What a fantastic experience!  I had a nice visit with Richard E.J. Pulley, one of the pilots as he told me some of the history on this specific airplane.


Beautiful Lockheed P-38 on display in the Warbird area.  photo: Tim Stiffler


A closer view looking inside the unusual P-38 cockpit.  photo: Tim Stiffler


The mouth and teeth of an excellent Curtiss P-40 ready to eat you up!  photo: Tim Stiffler


It's not warbirds without P-51's!  photo: Tim Stiffler


The care given some of these aircraft is absolutely amazing.  photo: Tim Stiffler


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