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Entries in Thunderbirds (13)


Video: The 'SLICK' Look At Oshkosh 2014 (Must See!)

 SLICK (Wesley Perkins) has crunched down the footage and his OSH14 video hit the streets (of youtube) over the weekend! This year's version is more of what we've come to expect in the way of a great video that captures the incredible aviation diversity that is Oshkosh, the world's greatest aviation event.

 With such strong attendance this year in both people and aircraft, there's no reason to think that OSH won't remain king of the hill for a long time to come. The reality tho is that Oshkosh isn't about being a mega event, it's really all about people with a passionate love for flying (and building, re-building, or restoring) airplanes of every imaginable kind. It's grass roots. It's down to earth. It's real. If for some reason this isn't the Oshkosh you know, may I suggest that you're doing it wrong. I've experienced 36 or 37 Oshkosh weeks since I was just 9 years old in 1970, and I love my time there every bit as much today as I ever have. 

 Thanx SLICK for another fabulous video reminder of how great Oshkosh Is!

(I've no idea what this A********e thingy is... I've never been to one of those and I never will. To understand what I mean, read reason #1 under 'WHY IT'LL NEVER HAPPEN'  : )

other Slick OSH videos:

Like this post? Tell your friends... use the 'share' or 'email' article links below - thanx : )


My Take On The 'Sequestration' Blues (And Thunderbirds Too)

(click pic to enlarge)  US Navy Blue Angels in tight formation at Reno in 2009

 I'm certainly no expert on the issue of sequestration, and since I've actually worked the last 15 days straight (with my day-job of ceramic tile installing) I also haven't had the time to do any deep research on the subject. However, it's my understanding that the $85 billion in cuts are actually only a reduction in the planned rate of GROWTH in the budget. So we're saying that we not only have ALL the money from the last budget but also a few percentage points MORE, but the news media and campaigner-in-chief have been telling us that all hell is about to break loose. I'm not buying it. I'm not buying any of it.

 And with reports that the Blue Angels and the Thunderbirds have been cancelling their attendance at many 2013 air shows, strong opinions and passionate responses have been popping up all over. Especially since many of these air shows, like the Indy Air Show scheduled for June 15-16, have been cancelled as well since these elite military demonstration teams are by far the biggest draw for these events.

(click pic to enlarge)  Two USAF Thunderbirds back-to-back at Reno in 2011

 My opinion might be different than most. I'm 100% for budget cuts... not reductions in rate-of-growth, but real CUTS. And if we had real cuts and they truly meant that the Blues and Thunderbirds had to stop flying, then I'm actually ok with that. This nation MUST get its financial condition in order as soon as possible, tho technically I've given up all hope that we will ever do that. A financially responsible government is the only way we can have hope that these two elite aerobatic teams to will continue flying in the future. Far more important, we need to be fiscally strong to have any hope of having a positive impact on the global landscape in the next 20 years.

 But to pull the plug on these aerobatic demonstration teams when we have such a small actual budget adjustment makes me think that the government is using the impact that this will have on the American people as a dirty little trick. Even worse, this means many large communities won't have the benefit of the positive economic impact that is a direct result of a Blue Angels or Thunderbirds air show. Add to that the fact that these two teams are a very important part of both recruiting and bolstering a sense of pride in the American people, and I come to the conclusion that it's all being used as a weapon against we the people. But then that seems to fit all the more with the idea that the ultimate goal of this administration is to weaken every aspect of the United States of America.

 The more common opinion I'm seeing is one that says we must find a way to stop these cuts and make sure that all the services we need and want so desperately (from the Blue Angels to air traffic controllers to border patrol agents) are able to be funded. So, rather than identify and cut massive waste in poor government administration, or eliminate entire departments that simply are not part of a sensible government mission, they've convinced us that essential services are at risk. Hmm, so it appears that the government has figured out a way for the American people to DEMAND that we spend beyond our means. Well isn't that just precious.

 I don't have any big answers here, but I am fully prepared to say that I just don't buy any of this. And while there are some of you out there who are gonna want to beat me up for my opinion that the United States government is actually against America and the American people, I'm telling you now that I don't have the time or energy to have an online battle about it. This is what I believe from years of observing the actions of our so-called leaders, whether they have a D by their name or an R. My bottom line is simple: get our financial affairs in this country in order NOW, and do everything we can to keep the Blue Angels and the Thunderbirds in the sky showing the American people, and the rest of the world, what freedom looks and sounds like.



SlickHutto Takes A Spin Back In The Video Saddle... 2012 Fort Worth Air Show

 If you've been paying attention the last several years you know that the best post-Oshkosh videos have been made by youtuber slickhutto - but Slick's a busy guy these days with being in the Navy and playing working hard with airplanes, ships and textbooks. So busy in fact that he wasn't able to get to OSH12 to create a video... but there's hope for OSH13! It's not a slam-dunk yet, but he's got Wittman Field on the radar, and he's been recently flexing his video muscles when he found himself with a little free time.

 This video is from Sunday October 7th at the 2012 Fort Worth Alliance Air Show. It wasn't the most beautiful day for video, but as you can sure see it was a great airshow. And while Slick seems to think he's a bit rusty, I think he's looking pretty sharp! If you haven't seen his Oshkosh videos before, check out Videos: Oshkosh Dreamin' As We Head Toward Winter (posted 2 years ago) which includes the 2009 and 2010 OSH videos from Slick, and you'll find the 2011 video here: Heaven On Earth: 2011 Oshkosh Video Recap From 'Slick'.

 Thanx again Slick : )

Video screenshot from Slick's work at the 2012 Forth Worth Alliance Air Show in October



Videos: Some USAF Thunderbirds Action For Your Memorial Day

 The official Thunderbirds youtube channel (usafThuderbirdVideo) has put some great videos up in the last few days, and I figure seeing these beautiful F-16's in the air is another great way to remember those who have given their life in service to the United States Armed Forces on this Memorial Day. The video above gives a nice little insight into the air refueling process to keep the jets percolating on long leg trips (tho it can't begin to compare to this incredible Blue Angels refueling in the clouds video!)


 And the one above gives you a backseat view of the slot aircraft on takeoff (starting in a wing position) and then as the team goes directly into a loop. The best part is the sliding into the slot position part way thru the loop! What an amazing view, and it all underscores the amazing skill and concentration required to operate these aircraft in such a tight formation. Awesome stuff to see - great job Thunderbirds!

Screenshot from the loop video showing the view a little over halfway thru - wow!


The Amazing Thunderbirds T-33 (RC) Built By Graeme Mears Flies!

Gorgeous 110" wingspan RC T-33 recently made its first flight - and it flies great!

 Here's a quick update from Graeme Mears' facebook page concerning the first flights of the turbine powered RC T-33 project he recently completed:

Here are a couple of pictures of the T-33 at Florida Jets taken by David Hart. We only got two flights on during the event as the weather did not fully co-operate. The model was awarded "Critics Choice" and "Best Craftsmanship" trophies. Ali is very please with how it flies.. apparent by how he rang-it-out after only two patterns the first flight.

 To see the other picture, go here on Graeme's facebook page (scroll to the bottom of the gallery), and to see the other posts I've done about the project, check out:

Wow - Thunderbirds T-33 Jet Built From Scratch! (Sorta)

Stunning Thunderbirds T-33 (RC) - First Flight Coming Soon!



Stunning Thunderbirds T-33 (RC) - First Flight Coming Soon! 

Incredible detail on this T-33 by model master Graeme Mears  (photo: facebook)

 Quite a while back I showed you the unbelievable story of a privately owned F-16, which of course was really a hyper-realistic RC model built by Graeme Mears from Canada. Then I shared a progress report on a T-33 project he was working on for the Jet World Masters event back in July of 2011. Well here we are now in 2012 and as it turns out, the T-33 has yet to make its first flight... but that's now planned for late February of early March down in Lakeland Florida in conjunction with the Florida Jets event taking place March 1-4. It's definitely an exciting time in the life of this project!

 There are a lot of stunning projects like this being built all over the world, but usually we don't know much about them til they surface at an event. However, Graeme has been updating his facebook page with photos along the way giving us a chance to see the mind-boggling details that make a model like this look so incredibly real. I highly recommend you click that link and check out the collection of images.

 It's hard sometimes to believe that there are people with the skills and patience to do this kind of work... but to realize that these models fly too just blows the mind. According to Graeme's FB page, highly experienced RC pilot Ali Machinchy will be doing the test flights.

 Lastly, this Thunderbirds paint scheme replicates a full scale T-33 (see a flickr pic here) but it's important to know that while there have been a handful of private T-33's painted like this, the Thunderbirds never actually used them for demonstrations.

 Hopefully there will be a slick video of the T-33 in flight to post here before long : )

Graeme Mears with the RC T-33 giving some perspective to its size (photo: facebook)


Reno 2011 - Let The Races Begin! Thursday 9.15.11 (15 Pix)

(click pic to enlarge)

 I arrived at Stead Field in Reno before the sun came up this morning (Thursday) and I had a feeling that there'd be some good stuff to see as the sun was rising. As the pic above shows, Strega was out in the smooth morning air making some beautiful music. I assume it was just a test flight, but it sure made for a great way to see the start of my first day at Reno 2011.

(looking for race results?)


(click pic to enlarge)

 The low-morning-sun lit the airplane up in a special way as it rolled out after landing.


(click pic to enlarge)

 The first racers up in the morning a heat of biplanes and a heat of Formula One. It's a cool sight to see the teams push or pull their aircraft out of the hangars and down to the ramp. The golden morning sun makes this extra special in the mornings.

Click to read more ...


Videos: Oshkosh Dreamin' As We Head Toward Winter 

 The high temp in northern Indiana today was right around the freezing mark, and with the clear knowledge that winter is on the way I found myself aching for some pure summer feelings... and that of course left me thinking about Oshkosh! It's pretty hard to beat a video (or two) from youtuber slickhutto for getting that OSH feeling stirred up, so here ya go! The 2009 Oshkosh video from Slick is above - I figured if you've already seen it, it's probably been a while, so it should feel pretty fresh...


...and this video is the one from 2010. Slick does a great job of capturing the real feel of Oshkosh, while also doing a fab job of editing. If you're a purist and would rather watch some Oshkosh without it bering a music video, check out Slick's youtube page for the more recent uploads that run 10 minutes and feature airplanes with all their natural (beautiful) sounds.

 I hope watching these videos inspires you to push ahead with whatever aviation project you're into. Whether you're building an airplane, learning to fly, upgrading your ratings, or maybe needing to fall in love with flying again (or just soaking up all the aviation knowledge you can find), watching moments from Oshkosh is one of the best ways to be motivated. I know it sure helps keep me going - thanx Slick : )



The Thunderbirds Rock, But I Think They Need Some New Paint!

My idea for some hot new 'Superstar' paint for our beloved Thunderbirds


A modified picture of the current Thunderbirds paint scheme.

I've been a fan of both the Thunderbirds and Blue Angels since I was a kid... how are you not a fan of intensely disciplined jet aerobatic teams that make huge noise, fly insanely close together, and represent the U.S. Air Force and U.S. Navy? I've also been very fortunate to have seen both teams within the last year, and in the process, I've come to one simple conclusion: the Thunderbirds need some new paint.

 As I mentioned in last week's Thunderbirds CoolPix post, when I saw team perform at Sun-n-Fun this year, the sky was a bit hazy and very white, which made the airplanes very unimpressive looking. The show was great, but I couldn't help but wonder how much more visual impact those intensely blue F-18's from the competition would have looked in that same same sky. So, I thought about it enough to finally let those thoughts boil over and fall out of my head onto the computer screen. As seen above, I present my baseline concept for a high impact, 'Superstar' paint scheme for the Thunderbirds.

 I traced the outline of the F-16 from the picture used in the CoolPix and then colored it in based on a design I had worked out on a simple top-view drawing (from a 3-view) using a very red-white-blue theme. Keep in mind I'm a very 2D guy with drawings... it's not a perfect representation here. I call it the 'Superstar' theme since 'stars' are integral to the concept. The one big star on the center of the wing becomes a focal point, and when added to the other stars on the top side makes a perfect 13 stars to represent the 13 original colonies. I technically consider the big star as just one even tho the center of it is a blue star. And, I haven't worked out a bottom view yet, but it would just entail some small evolutionary changes to the pretty awesome 'Thunderbird' already in use.

 The modified picture below my drawing shows the current paint scheme for comparison. It's set on the same gradient background to give a little idea of how they both contrast in different sky colors. BTW, the original pic had some noticeable vapor steaks going over the wings that I removed from behind the airplane, but are still there obscuring the USAF markings a little. I also haven't worked in the details of the USAF markings and Thunderbirds logo into my drawing, other than the United States Air Force running down the side of the intake. There's be many details to work out if a design like this was to be adopted, but overall, I'm extremely pleased with the way it looks. I think it's a tremendous improvement.

 I was gonna put up a poll to get your opinion on the concept, but even tho AirPigz is getting some pretty good traffic these days, getting people to vote in a poll is a lot harder than it should be. Maybe the poll software isn't working right... please let me know if you've had trouble with other polls. I guess my way of thinking is: why wouldn't you vote in a poll that takes 2 seconds to let you let your opinion be known. I'm a bit of a power-opinionator tho!

 Anyway, this time around I thought I'd just ask for you to leave a comment if you have strong feeling pro or con on this concept. I'm always loving me some feedback : )



CoolPix - Airshow: Thunderbirds F-16 And A Big Blue Sky!

(click pic for hi-res)

 Wow! A Thunderbirds F-16 up-close against a big and beautiful blue sky - what an awesome sight. Especially when you click this CoolPix to make it really big. This Air Force photo was taken as the airplanes were arriving at Hickam AFB in Hawaii for the 'Wings Over the Pacific' show in September 2009.

 I can still remember following along back in the early 70's when General Dynamics was developing the F-16. My dad subscribed to Aviation Week and Space Technology back in those days, so while a lot of other 11 year olds were playing tag in the neighborhood, I was learning about new airliners and military aircraft, in great detail, in the pages of that awesome weekly magazine.

 I also remember how the F-16 changed the game for me by not only having amazing performance, but by having a look that was pure sex appeal. I hadn't seen anything this beautiful in a jet military fighter in... well, ever! And here we are, 40 years since this shape was drawn on paper, and it's still one sexy looking airplane!

 The Thunderbirds put on a great show with their F-16's, but I noticed something interesting when I saw them at Sun-n-Fun this past April. It was a fuzzy, hazy, white-sky-overcast kind of day when I saw them, and it was interesting how little the airplanes stood out against that sky. It was an excellent show to watch and hear, but I was thinking if they had been that other team that flies those blue F-18's, they would have been easier to see. So, I had an idea. Maybe the Thunderbirds need a new paint scheme. That's when I decided to put my overactive thinker to work and design an all new, kick butt paint scheme for our beloved Thunderbirds. All the basic work is done, and I must say it looks pretty stinkin' hot to me. Unfortunately, it's not ready for you to see just yet. Hopefully I'll have it done here before long, but I want to be sure it looks really good in the rendering so the Air Force will be so impressed that they'll want to get to booking some time in the paint shop asap : )