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Entries in Thunderbirds (13)


Oshkosh 2010 Pic Stream #4 - AvGeek Nation! (26 pix)

 You see a little bit of everything at Oshkosh... this portable toilet 'environment enhancement' is just down the road from me in Camp Scholler. I would never have thought to do such a thing. Never.


  I've been seeing the very cool mega-super-sized-kind-of-a-Super-Cub airplane called Sherpa for years at Oshkosh, but I've never really got the idea that airplanes were being built, delivered or otherwise getting into the hands of people who want them. So, I stopped by the booth to find out what's going on. The bottom line is that after years of not quite having things all sorted out, things are now finally all sorted out. It looks like the Garrett prop-jet powered 8-place super STOL homebuilt airplane is ready to take on the world. I'll have more info on this big beautiful beast before long.

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Unbelievable: Privately Owned F-16!  

 How can this be?  Not only is this F-16 privately owned, but they’ve even somehow gotten away with painting it in exact Thunderbirds colors!  Either someone has way too much power and money, or they’ve done something really wrong and are gonna be in some heap big trouble when Uncle Sam figures out what’s going on.

 Or, there may be one other option here… maybe this is really just

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2009 USAF Thunderbirds Schedule Now Available

 The new year is here (like it or not) and I’m pretty sure right now is a really good time to be thinking bold, fast and strong. You know, like the USAF Thunderbirds! 

 The economic outlook around the world might seem a little gloomy right now, but the best way to face the challenges of this new year is to do it just like a g-suited F-16 pilot ready to slide in close enough to count whiskers on a chin... with discipline, practice, and excellence!

 And while you and I will probably never be hanging on to the ‘lectric jet’s side-stick controller, we can still take time to check the Thunderbirds 2009 show schedule and make plans to go watch them tear up the sky. has an easy to readschedule that will help you see if a trip to see some really shiny red, white, and blue F-16’s is in your future.  I know I’m gonna be making me some of those plans!

 Now is also a perfect time to stop and think about the awesome, amazing, and often extremely difficult lives that the men and women of the military (and their families) live every day.  There's a lot of sacrifice there that often goes unnoticed. 

These are difficult times standing up for freedom, and there’s no way we could ever thank them too much for their dedication and service to the USA!  AirPigz is very proud to say “Thank You”.


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