Poll: Airliners, Side Stick Controller Or Center Control Column?

Center control column in the Boeing 787 cockpit
This can be a very heated debate, but I don't ask the question to get people yelling, I'm just curious to see what kind of response I'll get here. I've had a strong opinion on this for years but I'm only now beginning to do some research on the philosophies of design & function that drive the decision. There's an even bigger question to be addressed in the debate; whether the two control input devices should always move in unison (I absolutely believe they should), but for now I thought I'd just see if there's a strong leaning one way or the other on what and where the controller is.
I admit that I'm somewhat out of the experience loop here. I don't have any experience flying airliners (unless you count my insanely cool opportunity to make 2 takeoffs and landings in a full motion 747 simulator when I was 10 years old - thanx dad!) - and I'm not directly connected to the aerospace industry where these kinds of discussions take place. But still, I have a real passion for what really works the best overall in the design and function process, and I have some strong feelings that one of these two options is actually superior to the other when installed in the cockpit of an airliner. This Popular Mechanics story on the cockpit communication and actions in the Air France 447 tragedy point to some of what makes me feel this way.
Side stick controllers in the Airbus A380 cockpit
I'd really like to open up some form of effective discussion on the issue but I haven't figured out yet how we could do that... especially since the overriding goal is to be 'effective' rather than just have passionate shouting matches. In an effort to get the ball rolling, here's a simple poll to see how some of you are thinking. And please feel free to leave some comments on this subject - I love to get a discussion of some sort moving forward. Lastly, while I have a great fondness for the concept of the side stick controller (especially in certain situations), I ultimately fall on the side of a center control column for airliners.
(trying some new poll software - I hope it works well)

Reader Comments (9)
Center as it can easily be used with either hand when on duty for a long time...
Depends: Do you want to be a Pilot or a Flight Management Engineer?
F-16 is side stick. F/A-18 is center column/stick. Both are fly by wire. Carrier pilots need that feel and movement especially when recovering aboard ship.
BTW, electric jets suck.
Center-column all the way. It can be operated single-handedly if necessary (and often is) to allow simultaneous use of yoke and throttle. And in the case of airliners, it gives the guy in the other seat an idea of what you're doing with the control surfaces over there. That and if you're using a sidestick, where are you gonna put the fancy manufacturer stamp/decal?!
Marvin- good point on the decal! : )
Dear ....?
I heve developed an ultralight electric vehicle with 4 whels, 2 side-by-side seats and a central "Midstick" that can be used by either one of the two persons on board.
After your reply I will send email with fotos.
Thank you for interest, best regards
One does but only read about what eventually brought down Air France 447 over the Atlantic in 2009, to see that a side stick design is a flawed approach. Despite all findings on AF447, the Airbus maintains this design.
WTF... Side sticks are pretty un comfortable and are harder to control.
I am not a professional pilot but a private pilot on light aircraft only. I am a physician with military and civil Flight Surgeon experience and have some understanding of human engineering.
I find it very difficult to believe that a pilot can maneuver a huge aircraft in difficult circumstances more effectively with one wrist than with two hands and arms. In my humble opinion it is in violation of all logic and human mechanics. While I do not fly very often anymore, I will avoid the Airbus at all costs.
I will be very interested if someone can make a "human engineering" case for sidestick vs. yoke.