The 'voted very awesome' Piaggio P.180 Avanti!
I really enjoy putting up polls for avgeeks to vote in, and I'll admit that it's partly to see what you think and mostly to try to make some sort of point. I've always considered myself a bit of an eccentric thinker... not a bizarre weirdo, but someone who makes a specific effort to look a little deeper and with a longer view in mind. So you can imagine that I'm both surprised and pleased to see that all of the recent polls I've put up have had the majority of votes swing in favor of my point of view. Either I'm getting less eccentric in my old age or there's a lot of really cool thinkers following my work here : )
With all this in mind, I thought it would be good to point y'all to the AirPigz 'poll' category in case you've missed some of the more recent opportunities to sound off with your avgeek opinions. After you click the category link you can scroll down thru the last year-and-a-half of polls pretty quickly. If you go back too far you might catch some polls that were set up with a different website and they might not even function anymore. The current poll website I've been using has finally been a good and effective solution.
The 'Awesome or Ugly' polls have all swung in favor of the unique or odd aircraft that I have presented. I've intentionally picked aircraft that I ultimately felt were awesome in those polls, but I have been pleased to see that there is a lot of agreement there. I'm especially please that the Piaggio P.180 Avanti is running with an almost 85% 'Awesome' rating and only a little over 3% calling it ugly. That gives me a lot of hope for avgeeks everywhere!
The livery poll just barely agrees with my opinion of American's new paint: fail
American Airlines has been dealing with a fair amount of displeasure over their recent paint change. I just have to say again: this is all you could come up with? I think this was a huge opportunity lost. When you make the commitment to repaint such a large stable of airplanes, and when image is more important than ever, you just can't miss the mark by this much. It's an even bigger deal with the recent American/US Airways merger intent.
I found this design concept while doing some searching around, and I think it's fantastic, especially when compared to what the airline came up with. I can't seem to find the original source for that design, but I think it's just an unofficial effort by a real person... as opposed to a highly paid staff of advertising professionals who would be happy to tell you how amazing their work is, all while carrying a large check for their 'work' to the bank. Sometimes the world makes no sense at all.
My retro styled logo has been a huge success going up against the current EAA logo
The EAA logo issue that I've been addressing for quite a long while now has sure been satisfying for me. The original poll (on a more frustrating poll website) was up over 70% approval for my retro styled EAA logo, and now, the new poll I put up back in October 2012 is running over 77% with nearly 400 votes in. That's pretty overwhelming in my opinion. I sure wish I had some power to back up my views.
If you scroll thru those recent polls in the AirPigz poll category, you'll also see the question about whether a rebuilt 1940's era Piper Cub makes more sense as an LSA than the new Van's RV-12 SLSA. I'm also very pleased to see that the $50,000 Cub is way out in front against two modern factory built LSA's; the RV-12 SLSA and the Tenn-Air CH750 SLSA. I'm not against those other two airplanes in any way, but the rebuilt Cub just makes sooo much more sense for an ailing aviation.
Anyway. I'm one opinioned dude, and I'm happy to be that way... and I'm sure you have opinions too. So take a few minutes and find the polls that you haven't voted in before and share those opinions!