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Entries in Cub (49)


Oshkosh 2010 Pic Stream #6 - Seaplane Base Serenity (15 pix)

 In my 34 years of Oshkosh experience, I've only been to the Seaplane Base four times, and that's all been relatively recently. But just those four trips there are like giant steps moving me to the brink of getting a seaplane rating (never mind the financial obstacle currently in the way). The Seaplane Base at Oshkosh, and the people that operate out of it, are so intriguing to me that I feel an active draw to experience it... this feels kinda new to me as most of the cool stuff I've experienced has strangely just 'happened', but seaplanes are off in the distance, calling my out to me. The call is getting louder, and my ability to resist is about to breakdown : )

 After driving over the the base and parking, I walked down the beautiful tree-lined path that leads you to the gorgeous spot where water, land, and airplanes all come together. Along the way, you pass by some of the camping area as seen in this picture. Wow, what a place to camp! It just fits right in with how the whole Seaplane Base experience is very special.


  I had planned to get over to the base at some point during the week, but sometimes it's so hard to pry me away from the Wittman Field that it gets difficult to work it in. But this year, I had a catalyst. It was Thursday, and I'd been pushing my 'media cart' all over the airport for several days by this time, so it was getting more common for me to stop for short breaks to get some rest. During one of them, a guy named Tom saw the AirPigz graphics on the cart and since he's a fan of the site, he stopped to say hi. We had a great time talking, and when I asked if he flew in, he said he was with a group that flew into the Seaplane Base in and airplane I probably hadn't heard of... a Noorduyn Norseman. As it turns out, I did know what a Norseman is, and I thought wow, what an adventure his 12 hour flight down from Canada must have been! Anyway, he said they were leaving in the mornng at 8 am. I figured I should make a plan to be over to watch that depature.


  The Norseman crew was right on time with their 8 am departure, and I didn't get there early like I should have, which meant I didn't get to talk to anyone as they were actually just starting the engine as I spotted the airplane. I did get to watch it taxi back and forth thru the small bay area on the north side of the base as they warmed up the engine. It's interesting to see the operational differences that seaplanes experience compared to land based airplanes, like the simple fact that you don't warm up the engine by holding the brakes and sitting still.

 The picture here is shortly after the power has come up and the Norseman begins the take off run. With a long trip home and what I imagine was a cabin pretty full of people and stuff, the airplane was far off in the distance before I could see the wing dip a little as one float was lifted off the water, then followed right away by the other as the big ole seaplane became airborne.


 You can tell that this pic is from a really long way away, but I thought it looked cool with the small boat also visible. You can also see how the wings haven't leveled out yet from the float un-sticking procedure where one float is lifted out of the water before the other. This makes it much easier to get the water to let go of the airplane.

 I trust that Tom and the crew had a good trip back home to Canada.

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Oshkosh 2010 Pic Stream #1 - It's All About To Begin! (17 pix)

 It's not really much of a campsite here in this early Sunday morning picture, but it's Oshkosh(!), so I'm off-the-scale happy. Even with all the mud and challenges that have hit the last stages of getting this event up and running, it feels really good to be back at Wittman Field! I'm thinking that in another day or so it should like a lot more like home.


 You can see from this pic that the heavy rains from a few days ago have really left their mark on the campground. Even tho this is a Sunday morning view, most of the campground is much better than this. However, it is a sloppy mess over a lot of the grounds. They actually starting turning away the large motorhomes because there weren't any solid spots left for them, even thru the day on Sunday. Hopefully tomorrow will be better and the thousands of people staying away from the airport around the city of Oshkosh in their big motorhomes will finally be able to get into Camp Scholler.


 After getting some campground pictures, I made my way over to the other side of the airport where Sonex Aircraft was having an open house/lunch. It was a perfect opportunity for them to show off some of the progress they've made on some new aircraft. The biggest news came from a smaller airplane... the Onex. This single seat VW powered airplane is specifically designed to be inexpensive and very easy to store. The simple folding wing concept allows it to fit in some really small spaces.


 Here John Monnett is showing the wing folding process. They've put a lot of work into making it all very simple to accomplish, and it was obvious that the good sized crowd on hand for the reveal was really impressed.

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Video: Wide Angle Alaska Landing With Big Wheel Super Cub 



Advanced Aerodynamic Duct-Tapelogy... Alaska Style

(4 pix) 

 The origins of this story are a tad cloudy, but it appears that up in Alaska in the fall of 2009, a bear happened to find this unattended Super Cub (used for remote fishing excursions) with the oh-so-sweet aroma of fish emanating from the fuselage.  Not understanding the irony of a ‘bear’ tearing into a ‘Cub’, the wild beast ripped the defenseless airplane open looking for some easy eats. 

 I don’t even think the bear found anything for its efforts, maybe that’s why it slashed the tires too!  But it sure left a surprise for the pilot who radioed a request for 2 tires, some plastic sheet, and 3 cases of duct tape.

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Shaun Lunt’s Blog Continues To Inspire Long After His Passing

"Best Time spent in Alaska?  Time spent with God.  He is good.  And the best things in life pale in comparison."  -Shaun Lunt

(4 pix + 2 videos)

 I learned of the remarkable life of Shaun Lunt about a year ago as I was searching the internet for interesting aviation related info.  Shaun lost his life about 6 months earlier, on the 6th of June 2008 in the crash of his Super Cub while flying in Alaska.  He had a vibrant passion for bush flying, adventure, photography and for spending time away from “normal” life to be closer to God. 

 He had made several trips to explore Alaska via Super Cub, and he was well experienced in many forms of adventurous activities.  But for reasons not fully known

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In A World Gone Crazy... A Moment of Pure Perfection



Caption Contest #21 Winner Crushes The Competition!

 I can just see it now… loads of Super Cubs with monster tires crushing Cherokees and 150’s while big crowds sit in the stands spilling popcorn and cheering them on! (TAILDRAGGERS FOREVER - TAILDRAGGERS FOREVER!)

 Congrats go out to twitter follower @s_crawford for coming up with the winning caption for this wacked out photochop.  I’m thinking’ a Monster Cub Rally might be a really cool idea! Thanx to everyone for getting in on the first Caption Contest at AirPigz 2.0 - and watch out for next Monday morning as we give it a go all over again : )



Caption Contest #3 - We Have A Winner!

  Steve Tupper steps up to the plate (or maybe out on the wheel?) to knock Ryan Keough off his winning streak in the caption contests.  Nice job Steve!  I've got another copy of the pop-up aviation book titled 'Flight' to send your way for your efforts.

 I'm gonna try soon to add a feature to this game where after the submissions are made, we'll take a day and have everyone vote via a poll to see who wins.  That way nobody will get mad at me, thus removing any desire to kick me in the shins : )



This Is Why Everyone Should Have A Super Cub!


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