Caption Contest #84 Winner - Dope On A Rope!

This has definitely been the most unusual Caption Contest ever here on AirPigz, and for many reasons... first I'll say that I usually have the winner posted fairly early on Saturday morning, but I left the house before 7am this morning to go do hot air balloon crew work. My son-in-law has a balloon (actually two envelopes, one at 77,000 cubic feet and another at 90,000 cubic feet) and even tho he flew last evening, he had another flight scheduled for this morning, and I try to crew for him any time he needs the help. We were kinda short on crew this morning (it was just me and him, plus the pax) which meant it took longer to get everything wrapped up than usual, so I wasn't able to get this post all pulled together until afternoon.
Below is a phone pic I grabbed while the balloon was approaching for landing. Bright morning sun and only about 2 mph winds on the surface. I love doing balloon crew/chase vehicle work, but today I can officially report that starting tomorrow morning (weather permitting) I'm gonna begin training to get my balloon rating! As a rated balloon pilot, my son-in-law can act as the instructor, and this will give me the chance to trade being crew/chase for the 10 hours of flight time I need. Propane cost is low these days so it won't even cost very much for the fuel! Sure sounds like fun : )
Early morning balloon flight over Indiana farmland that I did crew/chase for today
Anyway, back to the caption contest. There were quite a few more submissions than usual, plus there were a lot more really great ones than we tupically see as well. I don't know if it was the unique bizarre nature of the pic or what, but this time around really stirred up lots of creative and entertaining captions. And then the total number of votes was about 4 times higher than normal too. I haven't figured out yet if the voting was 'gamed' this time around or if captioner 'Jason D' just got everyone he knows to vote for him, but as it stands right now, his caption snagged almost 60% of the 281 votes. For now I'll say congrats Jason, and let you know that you've won the book seen below, Concorde by Philip Birtles... it'll be on the way soon once I make email contact.
Thanx to all the people who submitted this time around, I really appreciate everyone's participation. Hopefully the next time we play we see this kind of turnout again!
The prize for winning this caption contest: a used copy of Concorde by Philip Birtles