Caption Contest #82 Winner - Safety First! (With Videos)

As is often the case, a short and sweet caption wins the bacon! Congrats to 'JD' for coming up with the most popular caption as voted by fellow avgeeks. I hope JD has OSH13 plans so I can cook 'em up a tasty bacon sandwich : )
And if you didn't know, this pic came from a video shoot for a "Don't Mess With Texas' anti-littering campaign back in the 90's. The videos below show the actual ad first and then you can watch a behind-the-scenes video of multiple passes over the film crew with the B-17 and a few with a P-51 and F4F. Great ad concept and looks like it was fun for everyone... sure wish I had been there for it!

Reader Comments (3)
lol, awesome! The CAF got to burn a lot of fuel that day. Notice that beautiful thump of the F4F engine...
Martt, I worked at the production company that shot this spot. Although I wasn't on the crew for this shoot, I remember it clearly. The guy who shot it is one of the best cinematographers I've ever known. Also, this spot won the 25th Anniversary Celebration of all the Don't Mess With Texas campaign.
JohnCFord- I was thinking about how much fuel they burned that day while watching that 'making of' video : )
Jeff Lee- very cool that you were kinda connected.. too bad you weren't there for all that awesome fun!