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Entries in CaptionContest (84)


'Caption Contest' #4 - We Have A Winner!

 Picking a winner this time around was really tough... lots of great captions!  Thanx to everyone for playing this time around.  The winner was chosen for being a perfect blend of relevant to the picture, and to the world around us today.  Congrats to DougF for throwing up a real winner (hehe).       

 The first game for 2009 will probably have the newly minted 'AirPigz Bucks' for a prize and if all goes well it'll also come with the tools to let all of you fine people choose the winner via post game poll.  I appreciate everyone getting involved so far and I'm really looking forward to an awesome 2009 with y'all!



Caption Contest #3 - We Have A Winner!

  Steve Tupper steps up to the plate (or maybe out on the wheel?) to knock Ryan Keough off his winning streak in the caption contests.  Nice job Steve!  I've got another copy of the pop-up aviation book titled 'Flight' to send your way for your efforts.

 I'm gonna try soon to add a feature to this game where after the submissions are made, we'll take a day and have everyone vote via a poll to see who wins.  That way nobody will get mad at me, thus removing any desire to kick me in the shins : )



Caption Contest #2 - Ve Hass Za Vinna!

 Caption Contest #2 is in the bag and it has a peculiar similarity to game #1 cuz the same guy won this one too, congrats to Ryan Keough!  Trust me, there's no corruptication going on here, this guy's just got a gift for this stuff!

 He's also gonna get a little prize for his efforts.  The nifty little pop-up book titled 'Flight' will be heading his way soon.  Please don't despair if you didn't win, I'm here to thank you all for playing.  I think this game has a lot of potential to be very entertaining, especially as more people hop on.

I'd also like to encourage you all with a few simple words... try harder and get better!  (Don't get mad, I'm just having fun).  Game #3 will fall off the turnip truck Monday morning, watch your step.



Caption Contest #1 We Have A Winner!

 All in all, the first ever AirPigz 'Caption Contest' went quite well... with several entries and no rules violations!  The winner is Ryan Keough with the caption shown here.  Nice work Ryan.    

 Looks like this game is a keeper.  I'll think thru some extra details and try to set up a regular schedule for it too.  Toss me an email if you have any thoughts or comments and thanx for playin'.

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