Caption Contest #2 - Ve Hass Za Vinna!

Caption Contest #2 is in the bag and it has a peculiar similarity to game #1 cuz the same guy won this one too, congrats to Ryan Keough! Trust me, there's no corruptication going on here, this guy's just got a gift for this stuff!
He's also gonna get a little prize for his efforts. The nifty little pop-up book titled 'Flight' will be heading his way soon. Please don't despair if you didn't win, I'm here to thank you all for playing. I think this game has a lot of potential to be very entertaining, especially as more people hop on.
I'd also like to encourage you all with a few simple words... try harder and get better! (Don't get mad, I'm just having fun). Game #3 will fall off the turnip truck Monday morning, watch your step.

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