5 Reasons Why The Felix Baumgartner (Red Bull Stratos) Spacedive Today Was Pure Awesome

Felix Baumgartner: successful jump from the Red Bull Stratos capsule today at 128,097 feet
Check out other recent Red Bull Stratos posts here on AirPigz
After trying but failing last week to launch the largest manned helium balloon ever from Roswell New Mexico, and then battling similar challenging winds this morning, Felix Baumgartner and the Red Bull Stratos crew succeeded in getting off the ground late this morning Mountain Time. And then after a successful ascent, Felix left the capsule step at 128,097 feet above the Earth setting records for the highest manned balloon flight, the highest jump ever, and the fastest freefall speed. The actual speed will be posted later once it's official, but it does indeed appear that Felix went faster than the speed of sound on his journey back to Earth!
The 4 minute 19 second freefall begins right here at 128,097 feet!
I was away from my office and my computer when the jump took place, but I did watch it live on my phone... a pretty unbelievable feat to say the least. How things have changed since the days when Joe Kittinger made his jump from 102,800 feet in 1960 - a record jump that stood until earlier today. Seeing Felix on the ascent and then leaving the capsule step live was amazing, awesome, and fantastic. What a thrill to be able to experience this project with a live broadcast!
I figured there were plenty of sources out there for info on the jump today, so rather than just repeat the same info I'm offering up 5 reasons why I think the Red Bull Stratos spacedive today by Felix Baumgartner was pure awesome.
Felix Baumgartner and Technical Project Director Art Thompson celebrate success!
Reason 1: Joe Kittinger involvement
The fact that the man who set the high altitude jump record as part of Project Excelsior back in 1960 was directly involved in the Red Bull Stratos project is simply spectacular. Had the 84-year-old Joe Kittinger only made a statement or posed for a pic or two with Felix, we would have missed out on the way that these two projects and these two very unique men have been brought together. Even more encouraging is that fact that this was never seen by either man as an issue of pride... Joe was thrilled to be part of the effort of another man to break his records. Unlike our modern culture of extreme sports and chest-beating self glory, this is how real men behave.
If you're interested in knowing more of Joe Kittinger's fabulous life, check out his autobiography Come Up and Get Me: An Autobiography of Colonel Joe Kittinger - and if you purchase it (or any other products) after using this link, AirPigz receives a small referral payment from Amazon. It doesn't cost you anything extra and AirPigz gets some much needed support!