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Entries in Why We Fly (3)


Epic Video: Aaron Knight's Denali Adventure... Via Sonex (Heaven On Earth)

 I could try to say something of value to add to this incredible video... but I don't see that making your experience with it any better. I do suggest selecting HD, going full screen, and don't question anything. Just watch, listen, and see another vivid example of why we fly.

 Here's Aaron's video description from youtube:

My July 2014 Sonex trip to the Yukon Rockies & Denali Alaska. 14.5 hours of HD handheld & wingcam video condensed down to 5.5 minutes of Epic Insanity & a perfect film score. 7000+ miles, 80+ hours, in only 8 days!

Psalm 36:5-6 - Your love, Lord, reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the skies. Your righteousness is like the highest mountains, your justice like the great deep.

Video screenshot: wow.

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Video: Beaver Over The Bay (More 'This Is Why We Fly') #MustSee

 I hopped on over to today to search for something different in the way of a great avgeek video to share... the video above is the one I decided was just what I was looking for. It's really a promo of sorts for Seaplane Adventures in San Francisco, but I was pleased with how this almost four minute video captured the beauty and majesty of flying. What I didn't realize at first is that it's just the short version of the real video which is almost 18 minutes long.

 So I watched the 18 minute video (posted below) and I must say that it might be the best video I have ever seen at capturing the depth of why I love to fly. If you can afford the 18 minutes out of your day, you MUST watch the long version below. You might not get tears in your eyes like I did, but I wish you would... it would tell me a lot about you.

Screenshot of the Seaplane Adventures Beaver over the Golden Gate Bridge

 I admit the long version of this video might be more powerful to me since it's about a Beaver on floats flying out of the San Francisco bay, after all, I was born in that city... I'm pretty sure the hospital where I entered this world had a view of the Golden Gate Bridge. So a beautifully shot video that goes in-depth about a genuine love for flying set in my birth city, including views of the Golden Gate from the air, is pretty much guaranteed to make me emotional. But I think the stories of flying shared by the people in the video stand a good chance of moving you too.

 Watch it. Share it.  #LoveToFly

Video screenshot of the throttle quadrant on the Beaver: nostalgic perfection!


Seaplane Adventures full version from John Vigran on Vimeo



HD Video: 'Must See' Pilot's Eye View... This Is Why We Fly

 This recently uploaded HD video of a stunningly beautiful approach into Queenstown Airport in southern New Zealand shows why most of us love to fly... the view of the Earth from above is simply awesome. And when the landscape you're flying over looks as beautiful as these mountains, this thin layer of low level clouds, and this finger at the eastern edge of Lake Wakatipu that leads right up to runway 5 at NZQN, you've got a recipe for an amazing video. Be sure to watch it in HD and full screen!

 Queenstown is a resort area and the airport is the fourth busiest in New Zealand. Traffic is handled by smaller regional aircraft and 737's and A320's. Based on the visual clues of the windshield etc this appears to be an A320. It also appears that the video is showing a now outdated approach, so it's hard to know exactly when it was captured... but the important part is that it was captured and shared for you and me to see : )

 I love this simple statement from the video description: ...sometimes what a pilot sees in a day, people won't see in their lifetimes..

 Hat tip to my friend Gavin in New Zealand for sending me the video link!

Video screenshot of the beautiful approach into Queenstown Airport in New Zealand.