Line Up Now For Caption Contest #16 - Ends Tuesday 4-21-09 At 9PM EDT

The line forms here for Caption Contest #16... so get out your wacky cap and have some fun thinking up a cool caption, or three. I don't have an obvious direction to go with this one, but it just seems that there must be some great roads to go down with this pic.
Here's a big thanx to everyone who has played the game since we started back in December. I appreciate your participation and creativity. And remember that the winner of the poll that runs right after the game will get a nifty $20 AirPigz funny money.
The Rules:
1) Max of 3 submissions per person
2) Submissions go in 'comments'
3) Game ends Tuesday at 9pm EDT
4) Keep it clean!
Then, Anyone who wants to cast their vote will be able to after the poll goes up around an hour after the 9pm Tuesday submission deadline.
We'll vote for 24 hours, til 9pm EDT on Wednesday. Then the winner will be posted Thursday morning. So c'mon, hop on board and have some fun. Just be careful, that first step can be a real doozy!
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