Getting To Know The AarrrrV-6 (RV-6)

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Saturday April 18 was an absolutely perfect day for flying in the Midwest... about 70 degrees, light winds and a beautiful blue sky with a light mix of wispy high clouds to take the sharp edges of all that sweet sunshine. It was a great day to be alive!
It just couldn't have worked out any better that Dave Gamble (twitter: @SirHogarth) was meeting me at the Warsaw, Indiana airport (ASW) with his Van's RV-6 to give me a ride in one of the most popular homebuilts designs ever.
This was also a great chance to try putting together an AirPigz video of the experience as well. Dave made the trip from the Columbus, Ohio area and arrived right about 10am. The airplane looked great, just like it did in the pics I'd seen of it. I've always been a big fan of the RV-6, but this was my first chance to actually go flying in one.
I didn't have very many of the video details figured out in advance, which worked really well to keep things loose and relaxed. Because of this, Dave and I had a great convo about RV-6's in general as well of lots of info on his specific airplane.
The video is about 15 minutes of getting to know Dave and his wonderful airplane. And you'll get to see why it's called an AarrrrrV-6!
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