This Is What We Could Do Before We Became What We Are Now

Yeah I know, we're all high-tech and stuff these days, but being all about high technology does not a great country make. I think it has a lot more to do with determination, commitment, and good old fashioned butt-busting hard work.
The Apollo Program, which began essentially in 1961, the same year I was born, was the epitome of accomplishment for the American spirit. Watch this awesome Apollo 11 launch video for a good taste of it.
The insanely massive Saturn V booster with 7.5 million pounds of thrust is the largest rocket booster made. Ever.
Without getting all whacked out from a political or social standpoint, I would at least like to suggest that we aren't what we used to be. And the farther we get away from the core elements that made us so strong, the less likely we'll ever be coming back.
But I'm not here to be all doom and gloom tho. I'm actually somewhat optimistic still. But I really think as a nation, we need to stop thinking about Paris, Lindsay and Britney... and spend a lot more time looking back at what was accomplished by people who had the courage to dream big, work hard, and to never take no for an answer.

Reader Comments (1)
This is a highly valuable post. I’m looking forward to more like this!