Rocket Racers Still On The Launch Pad

Rocket Racer! Photo: Mike Rollinger
Yeah yeah, I know... the Rocket Racers use a runway, not a launch pad, but the analogy still kinda fits here. Due to the econimic vacuum sweeping the globe, the coolest new air racing concept since Red Bull has had to put the brakes on a bit.
Things are definitely still moving foward though, which is great to hear. You can get some detailed info about the progress and current status of the Rocket Racing League in a story out 4-8-09 from MSNBC: Rocket Racers Take It Slower.
A couple things to look for at this point. The RRL plans to have two Rocket Racers at Reno in September to put on a fab flight demo, and I'm pretty sure we should all be there to see that! It's possible though that actual league races may not begin until sometime in 2011.
And, it's good in these situations to put yourself in the shoes of the guys trying to make something big like this happen. Tends to make us more supportive than critical. So I say "Godspeed Rocket Racing League!"
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