Caption Contest #64 Winner: Hindsight

It was a close race in the voting, but it turned out that Grant McHerron from Australia (@Falcon124) came out on top this time around. Now he has the perfect reason to make the trip to Oshkosh again in 2012: to fetch up his bacon sandwich winnings! He's also part of the PlaneCrazyDownUnder podcast, so maybe you'll hear some sweet bacon talk there too... unless of course he doesn't like bacon. I remember someone at CampBacon this year at OSH didn't like bacon (#hardtobelieve), but I'm not sure who it was : )
Anyway, we made it thru another bit of avgeek fun with a crazy pic in the Caption Contest, and we'll probably do it again this next Monday morning - don't miss it!
Reader Comments (3)
Woo hoo! Go me! :)
I'd just like to thank all the voters, and Martt for making it all possible! :) :)
Now to figure out how to get to #Osh12 to claim 'cos yes, I do like bacon. I was the one who was wondering why Americans seem to have a massive fixation on bacon, but otherwise was whole-heartedly supporting the most excellent production of bacon sandwiches :) :)
Now that the contest is over, do you have any idea of what that device was reported to be? It looks like all the props rotate in the same direction with nothing to supply a torque reaction. I am guessing that if it were unleashed, it would possibly lift up and probably spin at a high rate.
airpigz lurker- I really don't know much of anything about it, but I can say that I had your caption in the mix to be included in the poll, but then I decided I should really figure out the torque issue before I went any further. In looking closer, and at the larger image that I had from the Boing Boing article, it looked like half of the props rotate the opposite direction. When I could see this, I decided that your caption, while very good, didn't really fit since it seems the torque is in fact cancelled... as long as they all stay running!