Antique Airfield: Antiques, In The Air! (10 Pix)

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Cabin Waco flying over Antique Airfield last Saturday evening August 31, 2013
I've got a boatload of pix from my weekend trip to the Antique Airplane Association fly-in at Antique Airfield near Blakesburg Iowa, but with my day-job's hectic schedule right now, I don't have a lot of time for prepping and posting. So I'm not gonna say much here... but I figure getting these pix up where they can be enjoyed is what really matters. This is just a slice of what I have to share over the next few months. There aren't really any incredible images here, but they are decent captures of some truly beautiful airplanes. (I worked and hour and a half before work and another hour and a half during lunch to get these prepped up for you!)
The atmosphere at Antique Airfield is something you just have to experience to understand. If you feel any love at all for old airplanes, then I suggest you consider joining the AAA before next year's event and then get yourself over there to see what it's all about! Better yet, ditch some your thoughts about modern airplanes and find a sweet old antique that needs your affection and find out what real flying is all about. Maybe you'll be one of the people I'm taking pix of next year (and hopefully I'll have flown in with an old airplane myself : )
Open cockpit Waco making a fast pass down the Antique Airfield runway
1929 Eaglerock biplane ventures skyward into the wild blue yonder
A very red, and very beautiful sounding Stinson Reliant on takeoff
About 70 Luscombes attended this year... including this one with a smoke system : )
The cabin Wacos are just gorgeous, and there were many to enjoy this year
Taylorcraft L-2... a cute and very affordable antique warbird
One of only 10 Call-Air A-2's left registered in the U.S.
Yet another cabin Waco, this one an earlier one from 1932
Perfect evening: landing a Piper Cub at Antique Airfield!
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