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Entries in Antique Airplane Association (12)


CoolPix: The Beauty Of Biplanes - Antique Airfield 2013 (+Desktop Pix)

(click pic for hi-res) Meyers OTW with a Stearman in the background at Antique Airfield

 Today is the first full day of the new AirPigz! The fine people at Oregon Aero have partnered up with me to give me the opportunity to make AirPigz sizzle once again... more on all that later, but right now I hope you'll check out their website (or the catalog download to the upper left below the AirPigz logo) and get to know the products and services they offer. You should also note the 10% discount coupon in the right column! I'm hoping you'll do business with Oregon Aero which will in turn keep AirPigz in the revenue-generating world : )

 The CoolPix image above is another from the 2013 Antique Airplane Association invitational fly-in in Blakesburg Iowa last year. The fabulous Ryan SCW CoolPix from the other day was from the same event. I think you can see that Antique Airfield is an amazing place to experience the beauty and majesty of the golden age of aviation. I'm just now realizing that I have several awesome images from the event that I should be sharing with you, so now I am!

 The Meyers OTW (Out To Win) in the foreground looks classic and timeless, but if you're not familiar with the airplane you might be surprised to note that the fuselage is actually aluminum instead of tube and fabric like most biplanes from the 1930's. When you click the pic to enlarge it (or download a desktop size below) you'll really be able to see the rivets. And of course the yellow Stearman in the background is a true icon of the era.

 I hope you enjoy the free desktop pix and the new 'sponsored' look of!

Biplanes at Antique Airfield 2013:


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CoolPix: Ryan SCW At Antique Airfield 2013 (Perfection!)

(click pic for hi-res)  The incredibly beautiful Ryan SCW owned by Russell Williams

 AirPigz is indeed back! I probably won't be posting everyday but you can expect several posts each week. You'll also soon see an update to the look with an exclusive sponsor of AirPigz... it's all pretty exciting stuff : )

 One thing I'd really like to ask of you all... if you like what you see here, if a post specifically connects with you or you thinks it's worthy of sharing with your avgeek friends, then please use the 'email article' feature at the bottom of the post. Or, if you see the link to the post on facebook or twitter, please share it with your followers. The time is right for AirPigz to increase its reach, but that happens most effectively when you let others know about what's going on here. Your help this way would be greatly appreciated!

 The CoolPix here today is of the Ryan SCW owned and flown by Russell Williams from the Seattle area. I had first seen his SCW at the Antique Airplane Association fly-in at Antique Airfield in 2012. It was one of the first airplanes I saw when I arrived onsite, which was the first time I'd been to an AAA fly-in since I was a kid over 40 years ago. But I have been a fan of the relatively rare SCW since I was very young... that long tapered wing is easy to fall in love with! I included some pix of Russell's in that first post about the 2012 event and then later in the year when we connected via facebook, Russell saw that I had an interest in his glistening beauty and offered a ride at the 2013 event. (more AirPigz SCW posts here and here)

 The pic above is from the day I got my ride at Antique Airfield in 2013. What a perfect day and such a wondeful airplane to experience. Russell let me fly it about 10 minutes over the beautiful Iowa contryside on our evening flight... it was everything I had hoped it would be. Thanks Russell! I look forward to seeing you and the SCW at Antique Airfield again : )



Early Morning Rainbow Over Antique Airfield During 2013 AAA Fly-In

(click pic to enlarge)  A rainbow over antiques at Antique Airfield on September 1, 2013

 The weather back on Sunday September 1st, toward the end of the Antique Airplane Association fly-in in Blakesburg Iowa, started out overcast and a bit rainy. But I happened to be in the right spot once the sun broke out to capture a really pretty picture! Sure seems fitting that this rainbow settles into a fine collection of beautiful old flying machines.

 I meant to get this posted in my coverage of the event but just didn't get it done... I figure now that the weather is really beginning to feel Fall-like already, a quick look back into the latter part of the summer just feels good. I hope you enjoy : )

(click for more pix from the 2013 AAA fly-in)



Antique Airfield: Antiques, In The Air! (10 Pix)

(click any pic to enlarge)

Cabin Waco flying over Antique Airfield last Saturday evening August 31, 2013

 I've got a boatload of pix from my weekend trip to the Antique Airplane Association fly-in at Antique Airfield near Blakesburg Iowa, but with my day-job's hectic schedule right now, I don't have a lot of time for prepping and posting. So I'm not gonna say much here... but I figure getting these pix up where they can be enjoyed is what really matters. This is just a slice of what I have to share over the next few months. There aren't really any incredible images here, but they are decent captures of some truly beautiful airplanes. (I worked and hour and a half before work and another hour and a half during lunch to get these prepped up for you!)

 The atmosphere at Antique Airfield is something you just have to experience to understand. If you feel any love at all for old airplanes, then I suggest you consider joining the AAA before next year's event and then get yourself over there to see what it's all about! Better yet, ditch some your thoughts about modern airplanes and find a sweet old antique that needs your affection and find out what real flying is all about. Maybe you'll be one of the people I'm taking pix of next year (and hopefully I'll have flown in with an old airplane myself : )

 Open cockpit Waco making a fast pass down the Antique Airfield runway

1929 Eaglerock biplane ventures skyward into the wild blue yonder

A very red, and very beautiful sounding Stinson Reliant on takeoff

About 70 Luscombes attended this year... including this one with a smoke system : )

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Antique Airfield... Heaven On Earth! (AAA Fly-In 8.31.13 13 Pix)

(click pic to enlarge)  Ryan SC-W in front of the official Antique Airfield Hangar

 The 2013 Antique Airplane Association fly-in runs thru Monday September 2nd in Blakesburg Iowa... it's the most amazing collection of antique airplanes, and I made the drive over Friday to experience it again. I'll add that I made a swing down thru Indianapolis on the way Friday to go flying with Billy Werth in his Pitts S2C. I'm getting really close to having my financial problems of the last 5 years behind me, so some bartered time in the Pitts doing takeoffs and landings was a great way to knock of the rust of of my taildragger skills! I actually did really well and look forward to getting myself current before long in a Cub or something similar. I also hope to keep moving forward in the Pitts with both aerobatics and fine tuning the landing experience.

 So, the AAA fly-in on Saturday was near perfect, especially if almost 100 degree weather makes you happy. For most of us the heat was a bit much, but the winds were light with loads of sunshine, and the collection of antique airplanes was magnificent. There was plenty of flying going on all day, but by evening the sky was crowded with beautiful old airplanes making the sweetest music there is. The following is a quick post of some of the images I captured in the earlier part of the day... it should give you a good idea of what you're missing if you aren't here! (13 pix, be sure to click thru to see them all)

(click any pic to enlarge)

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Video: The Antique Airplane Association Fly-In! (Aug 28 - Sept 2, 2013) 

2013 Antique Airplane Association Invitational Fly-In: Aug 28-Sept 2
(must be a member, or join the AAA on-site)

 I was at the 2012 Antique Airplane Association fly-in last year near Blakesburg Iowa... it was the first time I had been there since I was a kid. This fabulous video is from Thursday evening during the event (I didn't get there until Saturday) and it shows you everything you need to know about why I love the AAA fly-in! I was only there two days, but it was a great experience making the journey back in time where the airplanes were far more beautiful and being alive seemed to have more purpose. I even got some pix of that gorgeous Ryan SC-W, which, by the way, is owned and flown by Russell Williams who maintains the AAA AntiqueAirfield website. 

 In nearly every way, the AAA fly-in is the anti-Oshkosh, but both events are built on the exact same love for aviation. But Antique Airfield (the grass runway airport where the event is held) is a true step back in time where everyone who flew was part aviation pioneer. Common sense and responsibility rule the day, and the sounds of old aircraft engines fill the air with beautiful music. It is a very, very special place.

 That amazing Ryan SC-W in the video has recently been fitted with an overhauled Warner 165hp radial engine which should put in great shape for making the trip to southern Iowa from near Seattle where Russell is based (see first engine run video here). There's even a chance I might get a ride in that rare antique airplane... I can't wait to get back to Antique Airfield in a little over a week!

 Oh, and the kicker in the video is the theme song from the Rocketeer - perfection!

Screenshot of Russell Williams in his 1938 Ryan SC-W over Antique Airfield last year


A Gee Bee Built For Two! Replica Q.E.D. By Jim Moss

Click the pic to see more Q.E.D. pix from
Recent pic of the massive Gee Bee Q.E.D. replica by Jim Moss  (photo:

 Jim Moss from the Seattle area is no stranger to building replicas of fabulous aircraft from the Golden Age. His Laird Super Solution from back in 2000 showed he's got the skills for this kind of work - check out this link about his Laird from another Super Solution builder Pete Groves (info on Jim's starts at pic 3 on that page). And now, his replica of the big Gee Bee, the 1934 Q.E.D. appears to be either complete or very nearly so. Wow, that's one big and beautiful airplane!

 Jim has taken a few liberties with this airplane, making it a very nearly accurate replica but with some changes. It's my understanding that the overall dimensions are the same as the actual Q.E.D. and most all of the details are meant to be accurate, but the original 675hp Pratt & Whitney R-1690 engine has been replaced with a Wright R-1820 of 1,425hp! The bigger engine (from a T-28) is actually the same diameter and only about 200 pounds heavier than the R-1690, a weight differential made up by reducing the original Q.E.D.'s fuel capacity from a whopping 480 gallons to just 240. Even with the bigger engine and lower fuel capacity, this flying machine will still have some serious range! Oh, and the fin and rudder have been upsized a bit to help make sure there's a plenty of tail to tame the power in the nose. 

 I'm hoping the combo of appearing complete along with plenty of fuel capacity mean that there's a good chance it'll be flying and at OSH13, but I really don't know if that's the plan. I sure do hope so tho!

 You can see several more great pix of the Q.E.D. from a post a couple days ago at Jim Moss' Gee Bee Q.E.D. Project - they will likely have the first info related to when this big beautiful beast is first flown so stay tuned!



How Many Generations Can You Fit Into One Flying Bathtub? (Newhouse Aeronca C-3)

(click pic to enlarge)  16 year old Hayden Newhouse - 4th generation to fly NC11422

(7 pix)

 I stumbled across a fabulous story a little over a week ago at the Antique Airplane Association Fly-In near Blakesburg Iowa... the story of 16 year old Hayden Newhouse and his journey from Rockford Illinois to Blakesburg in a 1931 Aeronca C-3. If the story stopped there it would still be a great one. A 16 year old with both the desire and the skill to fly an antique airplane powered by an Aeronca-built engine of just 36 horsepower. It's enough right there to give us all some great encouragement for the future of aviation. But, Hayden's cross country to Blakesburg is just the beginning of this story.

1931 Aeronca C-3 NC11422 with Newhouse Flying Service (Princeton N.J.) paint

 NC11422 was bought new in 1931 by Hayden's great-grandfather Richard Newhouse. Richard had come to America from Germany in 1908 and shortly after started designing and building flying machines. In 1929 he started Newhouse Flying Service in Princeton New Jersey. This little Aeronca C-3 became part of the operation in 1931.

 The Newhouse family has been full of aviators since those early days, and now four generations have flown this humble little Aeronca C-3! Hayden flew to Blakesburg along with his father Robert Newhouse who brought their 1931 Bird CK biplane. Spending some time getting to know Robert and Hayden at Antique Airfield was definitely one of the highlights to my trip the the 2012 AAA Fly-In.

(click pic to enlarge) An original Aeronca engine of 36hp powers this 2-seat Aeronca C-3

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CoolPix: 1934 Waco YMF-33 In The Air - Antique Airfield 2012

(click pic for hi-res)  1934 Waco YMF-3 departing Antique Airfield last Sunday morning

 This post is a lot like the last one - it's another CoolPix of a beautiful antique airplane departing the AAA Fly-In last Sunday morning. I'm doing another post like this for two reasons... one, it's a really sweet pic of an awesome ole biplane; and two, I'm seriously backed up with too much 'day job' work going on right now (plus some really frustrating sciatic nerve pain going on with my back) and I needed something relatively simple to post.

 I was really pleased that I got some pretty decent images at the fly-in like this one and the Command-Aire pic where I used a slow shutter speed for a really blurred prop but still kept the airplane pretty sharp. I've got a long way to go to get really good at this but I'm making progress. I like how the background blurs up a bit as well giving you a lot more of a feel for the speed of the airplane. This Waco was making a fast pass down the runway at the time. You gotta love an airport and a fly-in that encourages a proper and safe fast pass as part of the routine! 

 I'm really looking forward to finding a way to carve out the time to be at Antique Airfield and the AAA Fly-In for the entire event next year : )



CoolPix: 1929 Command-Aire 5C-3 In The Air - Antique Airfield 2012

(click pic for hi-res) 1929 Command-Aire departing Antique Airfield last Sunday morning

 I will freely admit that I don't know much about the Command-Aire aircraft that were built back in the late 20's and early 30's, but when I saw this recently restored 1929 example of a 5C-3 at the NAHI event at Reno during the air races last September, I was captivated by its great lines. The restoration was pretty amazing too, so you can imagine that I was really pleased to see it at Antique Airfield for the AAA Fly-In a few dyas ago. I was also pretty pleased that I captured several really nice pix of it when it departed before noon on Sunday. Be sure to click the pic to see it in a hi-res CoolPix.

 If I ever get to the point where I run AirPigz full time (any aviation angels out there interested in supporting this insanely underfunded effort?) I'll be able to get in-depth info on airplanes like this on a regular basis. As it was, my time at Antique Airfield was relatively short and dominated by getting the best images I could. Regardless, I continue the pursuit of Avgeek World Domination on next-to-nothing resources hoping y'all are enjoying the ride, I know I am : )